Blog Review: Nov. 6

Optimized systems; supply chain security; high density advanced packaging LVS.


Cadence’s Paul McLellan considers why high-performance compute, high-performance networks, and security will all be vital to the next wave of devices and the importance of optimization.

Synopsys’ Taylor Armerding points to some best practices for assessing your supply chain to find the weak links that could lead to a security breach, from why to make it a priority to what to ask software vendors.

Mentor’s Tarek Ramadan checks out what’s different in layout vs. schematic verification for high density advanced packaging designs.

A National Instruments writer finds teams competing to create a radio systems that collaboratively share spectrum and continue to operate reliably in contested spectral environments, plus the creation of the simulated testing environment.

ANSYS’ Emmanuel Follin looks at different ways simulation can help automotive companies reach the eight million miles of testing estimated to be needed by autonomous driving systems.

Arm’s Jason Andrews provides a tutorial on how to use Docker to run Arm Cycle Model Studio (CMS) on Ubuntu and enable creation of SystemC simulation models from Verilog RTL source code.

SEMI’s Serena Brischetto chats with Michael Strübin of MedTech Europe about upcoming medical device regulations, challenges to the healthcare sector, and why data is vital to the future of medical devices.

Intel’s Rao Yallapragada looks at the relationship between 5G and edge computing and why both together can enable autonomous intelligent systems.

For a change of pace, watch some of our latest videos to discover:

How complexity and more data are affecting the design flow, in Which Verification Engine When.

A faster way to optimize designs and find errors, in Visually Assisted Layout In Custom Design.

Why some components are getting much larger and more expensive, in Thermal Challenges And Moore’s Law.

Why inverse lithography technology has finally come of age, in Curvilinear Full-Chip ILT.

What really matters in performance/power comparisons, in Making Sense Of ML Metrics.

How to reduce margin and improve performance on very large devices, in Monitoring Heat On AI Chips.

Managing data lakes, silos, and different data types, in Changes In Data Storage and Usage.

Complex hurdles in characterizing performance and optimizing signals, in New Challenges In Testing 5G Devices.

How to build a multi-chip neural model with minimal overhead, in Using Multiple Inferencing Chips In Neural Networks.

How to minimize latency and power, in Where Is The Edge?

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