Blog Review: Sept. 7

CXL memory pooling; virtual prototyping and continuous integration; dropping phones.


Cadence’s Paul McLellan shares highlights from the recent Hot Chips tutorial on CXL and how enhanced memory pooling enables new memory usage models as CXL 3.0 approaches the same speed as DRAM.

Synopsys’ Sam Tennent and Kamal Desai highlight the emergence of virtual prototyping, its synergy with continuous integration and development setups, and the benefits when these disciplines are combined.

Siemens’ Katie Tormala points to the importance of using simulation to investigate drop and vibration-induced stresses that impact consumer electronics and are a major cause of failures.

Ansys’ Christophe Bianchi reviews some of the key ingredients to the AI process, how simulation fits in, and how both AI and simulation significantly benefit engineering by turning obsolete legacy data into a high-value asset.

Renesas’ Suad Jusuf shows an example of how endpoint AI can be used to enable predictive data analytics to monitor a range of equipment conditions that could highlight a potential system or equipment failure.

Arm’s Liliya Wu provides a tutorial on how to deploy Baidu’s PaddlePaddle deep learning platform on Arm Cortex-M with Arm Virtual Hardware to perform optical character recognition (OCR).

SEMI’s Michelle Williams-Vaden warns about a lack of diversity in chip industry events and why it is critical to feature speakers representing diverse backgrounds to spur innovation and creativity.

NXP’s Timo van Roermund checks out the new cybersecurity regulation UN R155 and the complementary ISO/SAE 21434 standard and how they push the automotive industry to shift from security-through-obscurity to security-by-design.

Plus, check out the blogs featured in the latest Automotive, Security, & Pervasive Computing newsletter:

Arteris IP’s Stefano Lorenzini presents a reuse-centric methodology for generating FMEDA.

Rambus’ Joseph Gow highlights the importance of securely programming high-value data into SoCs and other devices during manufacturing.

Flex Logix’s Andy Jaros looks at how system companies are taking control of their own hardware and software roadmaps.

Riscure’s Ramiro Pareja Veredas dissects the latest in a string of security issues affecting a car’s immobilizers and remote keyless entry systems.

Siemens EDA’s Todd Westerhoff suggests checking a design’s serial links for protocol compliance before sending the board out to fabrication.

Synopsys’ Yankin Tanurhan explains why combining safety and security is critical for automotive SoCs.

Cycuity’s Jason Oberg and Google’s Dominic Rizzo describe their work to ensure security features are integrated and configured correctly throughout the design lifecycle.

Cadence’s Veena Parthan finds that the choice of grid in CFD plays a significant role in the accuracy of the solution.

Infineon’s Danie Schneider digs into making CO2 sensors suitable for the cost-sensitive IoT market.

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