Ultra-thin wafers for 450mm FD-SOI on schedule

While much of the focus on the impending move to 450mm has focused on the equipment challenges, the wafers themselves are of course the primordial consideration. Predictions are starting to mount up linking the move to 450mm with a move to fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI). So the question needs to be asked: will the wafers be ready? Engineered substrates like SOI wafers need to ... » read more

IEEE Photonics or LEOS conference preview

By Michael Watts “Visualizing stem cells in 3D”, perhaps from Peyton Manning or Dick Cheney, is a paper that actually connects to the headlines. University of Maryland researchers will detail a non-destructive imaging technology they have developed to enable better three-dimensional viewing of fluorescent-labeled stem cells within a tissue scaffold. The existing alternative uses cryogeni... » read more

Multi-Patterning: Game Changer or Y2K?

By Joe Davis, Mentor Graphics Every new technology node brings new process challenges that translate into design challenges. For the last five years, design rules and processes have had to deal with an increasing impact from nearest-neighbor and environmental effects from lithography, stress, and temperature. Where once cells could be designed and placed independently, now a cell’s real pe... » read more

450mm and EUV Linked With Uncertainty

By Jonathan Davis The transition to manufacturing semiconductors on larger wafers continues to be one of the hottest topics in the industry. Some chipmakers have committed to advancing the transition. Intel announced that its D1X fab in Oregon will be 450mm compatible (2013). TSMC announced a 450mm pilot line by 2013-2014. IMEC and ISMI have well-established programs focused on the challeng... » read more

FD-SOI Foundations Ready, Say Semi Execs

By Adele Hars SOI (especially fully depleted “FD-SOI”) was a hot topic in the video and audio interviews that Debra Vogler of SST released recently. Here are brief summaries of the most important SOI-related interviews – with top brass from Leti, Soitec, KT, EVG and Qcept –  that she made at Semicon West ’11. (If you need a quick backgrounder on FD-SOI basics, see this exp... » read more

3D-IC, LED and 450 mm Update

By James Amano, director, SEMI International Standards The SEMI International Standards Program brings together industry experts to exchange ideas and work towards developing globally accepted technical standards. SEMI provides a forum for the essential collaborations that must be achieved to move new and existing markets forward efficiently and profitably. Here are the latest updates on... » read more

Support the Arts! in Custom Design Verification

By Joe Davis Increasing numbers of integrated circuits (ICs) are targeted at mobile/wireless applications. The amount of analog content in these ICs is also increasing, reflecting strong growth in wireless technologies such as WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G, and 4G, as well as GPS, audio, imaging, and sensor technologies. Market research indicates that while analog circuitry occupies only 20% of the ar... » read more

A Semiconductor Industry Stimulus Plan

By Joanne Itow Last week Semico released its industry forecast outlook for the balance of 2011 and 2012. Unfortunately, all the indicators have moved 2011 into the negative territory. Semiconductor sales will end the year 1.6% lower than 2010. That should not be too surprising as the Semico IPI began moving down in May of 2010, warning us of a sluggish second half 2011. The economic malais... » read more

How to Print an Electron

By Michael P.C. Watts Printed electronics does not involve printing electrons, but you get the idea. Every start up and corporate research group have their own version of printed electronics using different semiconductors, dielectrics or metallization strategy. As usual, I like to focus on patterning. There are 4 patterning strategies, conventional resists and imaging, imprint, flexograph... » read more

Does SOI matter to the designers using the chips?

By Adele Hars Much of the SOI vs. bulk discussion zeros right in on the manufacturing bottom line:  which is cheaper?   And absolutely, customers want the most cost-effective solution.  But the best of all possible worlds is if you can save them money and give them all the bells and whistles they're looking for, too, right? [caption id="attachment_150" align="alignleft" width="150" capti... » read more

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