The Semiconductor Revolution And The Role Of Adaptable Testing

The semiconductor industry, the backbone of modern technology, is experiencing a rapid evolution driven by the increasing demands for higher performance, greater functionality, and lower power consumption. This evolution is creating new challenges and opportunities in the testing of mixed signal and RF semiconductors and electronics devices, making the need for adaptable and flexible test syste... » read more

Reducing Design Margins With Silicon Model Calibration

By Guy Cortez and Mark Laird It’s no secret to anyone that chip design gets harder every year. There are two major trends driving these ever-increasing challenges. The first is the continual scaling down to smaller design nodes. Although the pace of new node introduction has slowed somewhat in recent years, the impact of each new geometry and process is more dramatic than ever before. Acce... » read more

Automotive Semiconductors Require Integrated Test Solution

The automotive semiconductor test market is experiencing organic growth as chipmakers produce higher volumes of devices serving an array of automotive applications. In addition, the range of applications for automotive-grade semiconductors is evolving as the technology advances. Manufacturers of automated test equipment (ATE) are adapting to ensure their systems can handle devices ranging from ... » read more

Achieving Zero Defect Manufacturing Part 1: Detect & Classify

Whether the discussion is about smart manufacturing or digital transformation, one of the biggest conversations in the semiconductor industry today centers on the tremendous amount of data fabs collect and how they utilize that data. While chip makers are accumulating petabytes of data across the entire semiconductor process, a question arises: how much of that information is being fully uti... » read more

Automotive Electronics Reliability Requires In-Field Silicon Monitoring

By Lorin Kennedy and Dan Alexandrescu For everyday consumers, no products require reliability more than automobiles. While consumers may be willing accept their laptops and phones limiting performance or abruptly turning off when systems reach unacceptable temperature levels, that is not the case for the reliability of Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) or other safety critical system... » read more

Unlocking Efficiency: Tackling The Hidden Costs Of Setting Up Test

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and manufacturing, the efficiency and effectiveness of automated test systems can significantly impact a company's bottom line. Have you considered where the bulk of these costs come from? While the complexities involved in developing, deploying, and maintaining these systems often pose substantial challenges, they also present immense opportuniti... » read more

Semiconductor Testing Unlocks Increasing Levels Of ADAS

Today’s advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) require unprecedented computing power – tasked with processing an incredible amount of data from sensors in real-time, making split-second decisions, and ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers. The challenge is fluid and, as vehicles ascend from one level of autonomous driving to the next, computational demands will rise exponentially... » read more

Micro Dispensing: From Semiconductors To Sushi

The phrase “micro fluid dispensing” is generally associated with applications like medical device assembly or battery manufacturing. It certainly doesn’t conjure up visions of sushi – at least not yet. If engineers at IHI Aerospace and Yamagata University have their way, though, 3D printed sushi will be served to space tourists as they circle in low Earth orbit. Yes, printed sush... » read more

Using Predictive Data Analytics In Manufacturing

Data is said to be the gold of the 21st century, but is that true? Even with trillions of lines of data in your database, you won’t be mining any gold – unless you understand what the data means. Here’s what’s happening all around the semiconductor industry: we have far too much data. The problem is that the value you need is hidden in the data, and to mine the gold from it, you need to... » read more

The Future Of Data Analytics And Semiconductor Testing

The world is changing more rapidly than ever. With the explosion of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and data analytics, semiconductor manufacturers now have the opportunity to extract valuable insights from the massive amounts of data being generated throughout the silicon lifecycle. By leveraging AI algorithms and ML, semiconductor manufacturers can now optimize silicon des... » read more

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