Reducing Your Fault Campaign Workload Through Effective Safety Analysis

As the automotive industry strives for greater levels of autonomous functionality, ICs will become integral in virtually every vehicle system. Companies previously embedded in non-safety critical markets are transitioning current technologies to the growing and rapidly evolving automotive market. These companies will face the unfamiliar challenges associated with having to enhance their IP to s... » read more

How To Solve Automotive Electrical Design Challenges To Get To Market Faster

By Dan Scott and Ulrike Hoff The never-ending development of new technologies in the automotive industry has led to the Content Dilemma, the conflict between the technology content that vehicle manufacturers try to integrate into their vehicles, and the weight, cost and packaging space required for wiring harnesses. Current technology trends driving the Content Dilemma include electrificatio... » read more

In Automotive, A Move From Microcontrollers To Massively Complex SoCs

Cars and custom, high-end chips. It’s a topic coming up more frequently these days. The most prominent example is Tesla’s FSD computer, described by Elon Musk as “the best chip in the world…objectively” during the company’s April Autonomy Day. When it comes to chips, Tesla is alone only when it comes to hyperbole, at least based on browsing job postings for big carmakers and supplie... » read more

Three Tools Help Put Safe Vehicles On The Road

By Richard Pugh and Gabriele Pulini As the ultimate systems-of-systems, automated vehicles present an enormous verification task, requiring verification of complex sensing, computing, and actuating functions. This can be accomplished only by virtualizing the entire system: the vehicle and the environment it moves through. It also requires a combination of realistic scenario modeling, hard... » read more

Speeding Up Electrical Vehicle Development With Designer-Centric Thermal And Electromagnetic Simulation And Analysis

By 2040, 54% of new car sales and 33% of the global car fleet is predicted to be electric [1]. More than six countries have announced a ban on internal-combustion engines. China is expected to be the largest market for electrical vehicles (EVs), which is driving automakers to make aggressive rollout plans for EVs. Some of the important trends driving EV development are getting more than 200 ... » read more

Chip Design For The Age Of New Mobility

In the new age of mobility, vehicles are valued more and more for their electronic features instead of mechanical specifications. As a result, companies that are able to own and optimize the design of these critical electronics will capture more of the available profit. This is bringing traditional automotive manufacturers into the electronics business, while simultaneously attracting tech comp... » read more

Automotive IC Design Demands Next-Generation High-Sigma Verification

By Jeff Dyck High-sigma analysis is required for verifying replicated components, like memory blocks and standard cells, and for demonstrating mission-critical reliability for automotive and medical applications. It is not feasible to verify to high-sigma using brute-force Monte Carlo, as this requires 10s of millions of simulations to reach 5-sigma and billions in order to reach 6-sigma. S... » read more

Scaling To Meet Engineering Challenges In Transportation

If you’re working on anything related to self-driving cars, you’re likely pondering the tradeoff between what’s technically possible and socially feasible. Example: what do you do if the posted speed is 25mph while the local norms are to travel at least 30 mph? Obey the law and annoy the drivers around you? Or follow the herd and risk the ire of local law enforcement and officials who are... » read more

Will Cowboys Or Collaborators Shape The Self-Driving Future?

You may have noticed the bloom is ever so slightly off the autonomous vehicle rose. This is likely due to some combination of a generalized malaise and growing cynicism directed at Silicon Valley in general (where of course much work on AVs continues apace) and a growing list of highly publicized self-driving incidents that surely make PR teams groan. Exhibit A from this week was the California... » read more

Streamlining Public EV Charging

It’s really quite simple. Do we, as a society, want to see more electric vehicles (EVs) on the road? What will it take for you to consider an EV? If widespread adoption is to occur, the one thing we must improve upon is the public EV recharging station. Up until now, EV charging at home has been a rather straight-forward process. The driver plugs the vehicle in during the evening hou... » read more

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