The Proliferation Of Bluetooth In V2X Automotive Applications

V2X, or “Vehicle to Everything,” applies to wireless communication between a vehicle and a specific entity or network. Although vehicle-to-vehicle communication projects can be traced back to the 1970s, more recently the IEEE WLAN V2X specifications released in 2010 and the 3GPP V2X specification published in 2016 have defined specific wireless standards for V2X communications. Most of the ... » read more

Key Inflection Points Influencing Bluetooth Low Energy Sourcing Decisions

Bluetooth 5.4, the latest specification from the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), includes a number of enhancements that will open additional markets and use cases. This is one of several inflection points in the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) market that we will discuss in this blog. One thing I have learned over the course of my career in delivering multiple wireless products is that th... » read more

Why Are Automotive SoC Designers Turning To PCI Express 6.0?

Just over two decades ago, the introduction of PCI Express 1.0 marked the industry’s transition from then-ubiquitous parallel to serial interfaces. Back in 2002, the potential of “PCIe” in automotive applications was unforeseen – given the then-current state of in-vehicle computation and PCIe’s primary focus on desktop and data center use. Today, however, with the advent of connected ... » read more

Higher Automotive MCU Performance With Interface IP

By Ron DiGuiseppe and Hezi Saar AI is making waves across many industries, and automotive is no exception. Today’s vehicles are smarter and more connected than ever, and AI is at the heart of it all. Many new advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) applications, such as automatic emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, and lane-keeping assistance, are built using the latest AI algorit... » read more

Why The SOAFEE Project Is Integral For The Design Of Connected Vehicles

The Scalable Open Architecture for Embedded Edge (SOAFEE) project, of which Synopsys is a voting member, is defined by automakers, semiconductor suppliers, open-source and independent software vendors, and cloud technology leaders. The effort builds on technologies that define standard boot and security requirements for the Arm architecture, while adding a cloud-native development and deployme... » read more

Virtualization: A Must-Have For Embedded AI In Automotive SoCs

Virtualization, the process of abstracting physical hardware by creating multiple virtual machines (VMs) with independent operating systems and tasks, has been in computing since the 1960s. Now, with the need to optimize the utilization of large AI and DSP blocks in automotive SoCs, along with the need for increased functional safety in autonomous driving, virtualization is coming to power- an... » read more

A Safety Verification Methodology For Automotive Semiconductors

By Alessandra Nardi (Synopsys), Teo Cupaiuolo (Synopsys), and Liu Min (SGS-TÜV Saar) Functional safety has been a long-standing requirement for many electronics applications, including implanted medical devices, space-borne systems, and nuclear power plants. The widespread use of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and the advent of self-driving vehicles have added automotive chips to... » read more

Minimizing Cybersecurity Risks With ISO/SAE 21434

To mitigate the cybersecurity risk, industry stakeholders have developed the new ISO/SAE 21434 Road Vehicles—Cybersecurity Engineering standard. Industry leaders are quickly adopting ISO/SAE 21434 as the leading approach for cybersecurity. Suppliers such as Renesas announced1 their commitment to ISO/SAE 21434 in October 2021. Recently, NXP2 and Texas Instruments3 both certified their Au... » read more

Going Virtual In Automotive Electronics Development

Developing the electrical/electronic (E/E) systems in automobiles and other vehicles has always been challenging due to the rough environmental conditions experienced on the road and the high expectations for safety and reliability. In recent years, these challenges have been exacerbated by several industry trends. They have triggered a revolution in how electronic control units (ECUs) are desi... » read more

How To Safeguard Memory Interfaces By Design

By Dana Neustadter and Brett Murdock In 2017, the credit bureau Equifax announced that hackers had breached its system, unleashing the personal information of 147-million people. As a result, the company has settled a class action suit for $425 million to aid those impacted, including identity theft, fraud, financial losses, and the expenses to clean up the damage. Whether the threat is iden... » read more

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