6G And Beyond: Overall Vision And Survey of Research

A new 92 page technical paper titled "6G: The Intelligent Network of Everything -- A Comprehensive Vision, Survey, and Tutorial" was published by IEEE researchers at Finland's University of Oulu. Abstract "The global 6G vision has taken its shape after years of international research and development efforts. This work culminated in ITU-R's Recommendation on "IMT-2030 Framework". While the d... » read more

On-Chip Communication For Programmable Accelerators In Heterogeneous SoCs (Columbia, IBM)

A technical paper titled “Towards Generalized On-Chip Communication for Programmable Accelerators in Heterogeneous Architectures” was published by researchers at Columbia University and IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Abstract: "We present several enhancements to the open-source ESP platform to support flexible and efficient on-chip communication for programmable accelerators in het... » read more

CMOS ICs for 77 GHz Automotive Radar

A new technical paper titled "CMOS IC Solutions for the 77 GHz Radar Sensor in Automotive Applications" was published by researchers at STMicroelectronics and University of Catania. Abstract "This paper presents recent results on CMOS integrated circuits for automotive radar sensor applications in the 77 GHz frequency band. It is well demonstrated that nano-scale CMOS technologies are the b... » read more

RF General-Purpose Photonic Processor

A new technical paper titled "General-purpose programmable photonic processor for advanced radiofrequency applications" was published by researchers at Universitat Politècnica de València and iPronics. Abstract "A general-purpose photonic processor can be built integrating a silicon photonic programmable core in a technology stack comprising an electronic monitoring and controlling layer ... » read more

3-Channel Package-Scale Galvanic Isolation Interface for SiC and GaN Power Switching Converters

A new technical paper titled "A Three-Channel Package-Scale Galvanic Isolation Interface for Wide Bandgap Gate Drivers" was published by STMicroelectronics and DIEEI, Università di Catania. Abstract "This article presents the design of a three-channel package-scale galvanic isolation interface for SiC and GaN power switching converters. The isolation interface consists of two side-by-sid... » read more

Photonic Compact Chip That Seamlessly Converts Light Into Microwaves (NIST, et al.)

A new technical paper titled "Photonic chip-based low-noise microwave oscillator" was published by researchers at NIST, University of Colorado Boulder, California Institute of Technology, UCSB, University of Virginia and Yale University. Abstract "Numerous modern technologies are reliant on the low-phase noise and exquisite timing stability of microwave signals. Substantial progress has b... » read more

CMOS-Compatible, On-Chip, Compact And Wideband Nanoacoustic Pass-Band Filters For 5G And 6G

A technical paper titled “Compact and wideband nanoacoustic pass-band filters for future 5G and 6G cellular radios” was published by researchers at Northeastern University. Abstract: "Over recent years, the surge in mobile communication has deepened global connectivity. With escalating demands for faster data rates, the push for higher carrier frequencies intensifies. The 7–20 GHz ran... » read more

Radar-Based SLAM Algorithm (Ulm University)

A technical paper titled “Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Processing in the Field of Autonomous Driving” was published by researchers at Ulm University. Abstract: "Autonomous driving technology has made remarkable progress in recent years, revolutionizing transportation systems and paving the way for safer and more efficient journeys. One of... » read more

Designing Low Power Radar Processors

A technical paper titled “Ellora: Exploring Low-Power OFDM-based Radar Processors using Approximate Computing” was published by researchers at University of California Irvine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and TCS Research. Abstract: "In recent times, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)-based radar has gained wide acceptance given its applicability in joint radar-communic... » read more

Lego-Like Photonics Chip With Expanded RF Bandwidth And Advanced Filter Control

A technical paper titled “Integrated microwave photonic notch filter using a heterogeneously integrated Brillouin and active-silicon photonic circuit” was published by researchers at University of Sydney and Australian National University. Abstract: "Microwave photonics (MWP) has unlocked a new paradigm for Radio Frequency (RF) signal processing by harnessing the inherent broadband and tu... » read more

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