98 Hardware Security Failure Scenarios (NIST)

A new technical paper titled "Hardware Security Failure Scenarios: Potential Hardware Weaknesses" was published by NIST. Abstract "Hardware is often assumed to be robust from a security perspective. However, chips are both created with software and contain complex encodings (e.g., circuit designs and firmware). This leads to bugs, some of which compromise security. This publication evaluate... » read more

The Vulnerability of Clock Trees to Asymmetric Aging

A new technical paper titled "The Impact of Asymmetric Transistor Aging on Clock Tree Design Considerations" was published by researchers at Israel Institute of Technology and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Abstract "Ensuring integrated circuits (ICs) operate reliably throughout their expected service life is more vital than ever, particularly as they become increasingly central to mis... » read more

Gate-All-Around: TCAD and DTCO Approach To Evaluate Power and Performance (imec, et al.)

A new technical paper titled "Exploring GAA-Nanosheet, Forksheet and GAA-Forksheet Architectures: a TCAD-DTCO Study at 90 nm & 120 nm Cell Height" was published by imec, Huawei Technologies and Global TCAD Solutions. Abstract "This study presents a Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) and comprehensive Design-Technology Co-Optimization (DTCO) approach to evaluate and enhance power an... » read more

Pooling CPU Memory for LLM Inference With Lower Latency and Higher Throughput (UC Berkeley)

A new technical paper titled "Pie: Pooling CPU Memory for LLM Inference" was published by researchers at UC Berkeley. Abstract "The rapid growth of LLMs has revolutionized natural language processing and AI analysis, but their increasing size and memory demands present significant challenges. A common solution is to spill over to CPU memory; however, traditional GPU-CPU memory swapping ofte... » read more

Sustainable Hardware Specialization Through Reconfigurable Logic (NUS, Ghent Univ.)

A  new technical paper titled "Sustainable Hardware Specialization" was published by researchers at National University of Singapore and Ghent University. "We explore sustainable hardware specialization through reconfigurable logic that has the potential to drastically reduce the environmental footprint compared to a sea of accelerators by amortizing its embodied footprint across multiple a... » read more

Dedicated 3D Accelerator Specifically Designed For Emerging Spiking Transformers

A new technical paper titled "Spiking Transformer Hardware Accelerators in 3D Integration" was published by researchers at UC Santa Barbara, Georgia Tech and Burapha University. "Recognizing the current lack of dedicated hardware support for spiking transformers, this paper presents the first work on 3D spiking transformer hardware architecture and design methodology. We present an architect... » read more

Improving Power and Speed in GAA-NS FETs

A new technical paper titled "Design Decoupling of Inner-and Outer-Gate Lengths in Nanosheet FETs for Ultimate Scaling" was published by researchers at Belgium Research Center, Huawei Technologies and Global TCAD Solutions. Abstract: "Using a full design-technology-co-optimization (DTCO) methodology, we show the advantages of design decoupling of inner -and outer-gates in gate-all-around ... » read more

Benchmark and Evaluation Framework For Characterizing LLM Performance In Formal Verification (UC Berkeley, Nvidia)

A new technical paper titled "FVEval: Understanding Language Model Capabilities in Formal Verification of Digital Hardware" was published by researchers at UC Berkeley and NVIDIA. Abstract "The remarkable reasoning and code generation capabilities of large language models (LLMs) have spurred significant interest in applying LLMs to enable task automation in digital chip design. In particula... » read more

Pre-Silicon Verification Method Addressing Critical Aspects of Speculative Execution Vulnerability Detection

A new technical paper titled "Lost and Found in Speculation: Hybrid Speculative Vulnerability Detection" was published by researchers at Technical University of Darmstadt and Texas A&M University. "We introduce Specure, a novel pre-silicon verification method composing hardware fuzzing with Information Flow Tracking (IFT) to address speculative execution leakages. Integrating IFT enables two... » read more

Metamodeling Techniques for Formal Verification

A new technical paper titled "Verifying Non-friendly Formal Verification Designs: Can We Start Earlier?" was published by researchers at Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau and Infineon Technologies. Published in DVCon Europe 2024. Abstract "The design of Systems on Chips (SoCs) is becoming more and more complex due to technological advancements. Missed bugs can cause drastic failures in saf... » read more

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