Using Test And Metrology Data For Dynamic Process Control

Advanced packaging is transforming semiconductor manufacturing into a multi-dimensional challenge, blending 2D front-end wafer fabrication with 2.5D/3D assemblies, high-frequency device characterization, and complex yield optimization strategies. These combinations are essential to improving performance and functionality, but they create some thorny issues for which there are no easy fixes. ... » read more

Screening For Known Good Interposers

Ensuring the quality of silicon and organic interposers is becoming harder as the number of signals passing through them continues to grow, fueled by more chiplets, higher processing demands, and more layers of devices assembled in a package. Interposers initially were viewed as relatively simple conduits. That perception has changed rather dramatically in recent years with the growing focus... » read more

DFT At The Leading Edge

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the rapidly changing landscape of design for testability (DFT), focusing on the impact of advancements in fault models, high-speed interfaces, and lifecycle data analytics, with Jeorge Hurtarte, senior director of product marketing in the Semiconductor Test Group at Teradyne; Sri Ganta, director of test products at Synopsys; D... » read more

Shortcutting Graduates’ Path To Productivity In Manufacturing And Test

Manufacturing, test, assembly, and analytics companies are finding unique ways to engage with universities in an effort to shore up the talent pipeline. The industry is recruiting graduates from universities across the U.S. while partnering with local institutes to serve specific needs. Industry/university co-operation includes: Mapping job descriptions Providing curricula frameworks... » read more

Why Chips Fail, And What To Do About It

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss reliability of chips in the context of safety- and mission-critical systems, as well as increasing utilization due to an explosion in AI data, with Steve Pateras, vice president of marketing and business development at Synopsys; Noam Brousard, vice president of solutions engineering at proteanTecs; Harry Foster, chief verificat... » read more

Aftermarket Sensors Boost Yield In Wafer Fabs

Third-party sensors are being added into fab equipment to help boost yield and to extend the life of expensive tools, supplementing the sensors that come with equipment used in fabs. The data gleaned from those sensors has broad uses within the fab. It can measure process module performance, identify defect sources, and alert fabs of impending equipment failure. And when coupled with machine... » read more

Silicon Lifecycle Management Gains Steam

Silicon lifecycle management (SLM) is gaining significant traction, driven increasingly by stringent reliability requirements for safety-critical devices in aerospace, medical, and automotive. Improving reliability has been a discussion point for years, but it has become especially important with the use of chips designed at leading-edge nodes in both mission- and safety-critical application... » read more

Testing For Thermal Issues Becomes More Difficult

Increasingly complex and heterogeneous architectures, coupled with the adoption of high-performance materials, are making it much more difficult to identify and test for thermal issues in advanced packages. For a single SoC, compressing higher functionality into a smaller area concentrates the processing and makes thermal effects more predictable. But that processing can happen anywhere in a... » read more

Advanced Packaging Drives Test And Metrology Innovations

Advanced packaging has become a focal point for innovation as the semiconductor industry continues to push for increased transistor density and better performance. But the pace of change is accelerating, making it harder for the entire ecosystem to keep up with those changes. In the past, major developments were roughly on an 18-month to 2-year cadence. Today, this is happening every few mon... » read more

Yield Management Embraces Expanding Role

Competitive pressures, shrinking time-to-market windows, and increased customization are collectively changing the dynamics and demands for yield management systems, shifting left from the fab to the design flow and right to assembly, packaging, and in-field analysis. The basic role of yield management systems is still expediting new product introductions, reducing scrap, and delivering grea... » read more

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