Devising Security Solutions For Hardware Threats

Experts At The Table: Hardware security has evolved considerably in recent years, but getting products to market is a challenge in an environment where threats are always evolving and rarely predictable. That’s especially true given the sheer volume and variety of products being introduced. Semiconductor Engineering sat down with a panel of experts at the Design Automation Conference in San F... » read more

Balancing Programmability And Performance In Cars

The rate of change in the automotive industry is accelerating with the shift toward software-defined vehicles and ongoing advancements in algorithms and chip architectures. The challenge now is to figure out the best way to prevent rapid obsolescence, improve safety, and keep the cost of these changes to a minimum. Today, updatable automotive hardware is typically achieved through FPGAs, but... » read more

Photonics Could Reduce The Cost Of Lidar

Using light to move data over shorter distances is becoming more common, both because there is much more data to move around and because photons are faster and cooler than electrons. Using optical fiber for mission-critical communication is already well established. It has been the preferred PHY for long-haul communications for decades because it doesn’t suffer from the attenuation losses ... » read more

Security Improving For Low-Cost Hardware

Security has been a priority in software for decades, but only recently has it begun catching up in chips — particularly those in inexpensive devices. The disconnect is that while these devices are low-cost, they often are connected to the same networks as more sophisticated devices and repositories for valuable data. It's not unusual for the entry point in ransomware or distributed denial... » read more

Hardware Security Set To Grow Quickly

Experts At The Table: The hardware security ecosystem is young and relatively small but could see a major boom in the coming years. As companies begin to acknowledge how vulnerable their hardware is, industry standards are being set, but must leave room for engineers to experiment. As part of an effort to determine the best way forward, Semiconductor Engineering sat down with a panel of experts... » read more

Chip Security Now Depends On Widening Supply Chain

Securing chips is becoming more challenging as SoCs are disaggregated into chiplets, creating new vulnerabilities that involve hardware and software, as well as multiple entities, and extending threats across a much broader supply chain. In the past, much of the cyber threat model was confined to either hardware or software, and where multiple vendors were involved, various chips were separa... » read more

Post-Quantum Computing Threatens Fundamental Transport Protocols

The Transport Level Security (TLS) protocol is one of the few rock-steady spots in the rapidly changing computing industry, but that's about to change as quantum computers threaten traditional encryption schemes. Because TLS is fundamental to network communications, including allowing Internet of Things (IoT) devices to function properly, researchers already are exploring both hardware and s... » read more

Defining Chip Threat Models To Identify Security Risks

Experts At The Table: As hardware weaknesses have become a major target for attackers, the race to find new ways to strengthen chip security has begun to heat up. But one-size does not fit all solution. To figure out what measures need to be taken, a proper threat model must be assessed. Semiconductor Engineering sat down with a panel of experts at the Design Automation Conference in San Franci... » read more

Easing EV Range Anxiety Through Faster Charging

The automotive industry is developing new ways to boost the range of electric vehicles and the speed at which they are charged, overcoming buyer hesitation that has limited the total percentage of EVs to 18% of vehicles being sold.[1] Work is underway to improve how batteries are engineered and manufactured, and how they are managed while they are in use or being charged. This extends well b... » read more

Security Focus Widens To HW, SW, Ecosystems

Hardware security strategies are pushing much further left in the chip design flow as the number of vulnerabilities in complex designs and connected devices continues to grow, taking into account potential vulnerabilities in both hardware and software, as well as the integrity of an extended global supply chain. These approaches leverage the speed of fixing problems in software, and the effe... » read more

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