The Race To Better Batteries

There is a new leader in the race to develop the best battery for smartphones, medical and IoT devices and all things related to information technology—Tesla. After almost a decade of making a big splash in the auto industry, though hardly a dent in its business, Tesla has succeeded in making electric vehicles attractive enough that automakers are following Tesla into the EV lane. That mov... » read more

The Road To Autonomy

Visions of autonomous driving were everywhere at CES 2018 in Las Vegas and the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. Still, while there is progress in the technology, it will be years before the average motorist can get a fully autonomous vehicle. Advanced driver-assistance systems are gaining in complexity and scope, representing steps toward automated driving. At CES 2018, ... » read more

What Will 2018 Bring To The IoT?

The Internet of Things is widely expected to progress in 2018—especially the Industrial IoT—as industry standards get hashed out and more vendors take cybersecurity seriously. On the home front, many Americans are growing accustomed to artificial intelligence technology from their use of Amazon Echo, Apple HomeKit, and Google Home devices. They’re talking to their remote controls to ch... » read more

Reshaping Automotive Design

The entire automotive ecosystem is being reshaped by vehicle electrification, assisted and autonomous driving, and the connectivity needed to make it all work. So far, it's not clear just how smoothly this will all come together. In this redefined world, electronics and software will provide differentiation rather than mechanical engineering and possibly even brand name, creating change on a... » read more

Blockchain: Hype, Reality, Opportunities

Blockchain buzz has reached deafening levels, and its proponents say we haven’t heard anything yet. The blockchain-enabled transformations they describe make the Internet revolution look almost trivial. Critics argue that too many people drank the blockchain Kool-Aid. Outside the cryptocurrency arena, they say that blockchain amounts to little more than some really slick slideware. The ... » read more

Who’s Responsible For Security?

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss security issues and how to fix them with Mark Schaeffer, senior product marketing manager for secure solutions at Renesas Electronics; Haydn Povey, CTO of Secure Thingz; Marc Canel, vice president of security systems and technologies at [getentity id="22186" comment="Arm"]; Richard Hayton, CTO of Trustonic; Anders Holmberg, director of corporate dev... » read more

Hyperscaling The Data Center

Enterprise data centers increasingly will look and behave more like slimmed-down versions of hyperscale data centers as chipmakers and other suppliers adapt systems developed for their biggest customers to in-house IT faciilities. The new chips and infrastructure that will serve as building blocks in these facilities will be more power-efficient, make better use of space and generate less he... » read more

Enabling Automotive Design

Falling automotive electronics prices, propelled by advances in chip manufacturing and innovations on the design side, are driving a whole new level of demand across the automotive industry. Innovations that were introduced at the luxury end of the car market over the past couple years already are being implemented in more standard vehicles. The single biggest driver of change in the automo... » read more

IoT’s Many Different Forms

The Internet of Things is settling into widespread industrial applications, along with precision agriculture, while consumer IoT continues to find its way into the home through smart speakers and their digital assistants, such as Amazon Echo, Apple HomeKit, and Google Home. The Internet of Cows and the Internet of Tomatoes may sound like fanciful subjects, yet there is serious technology in ... » read more

State Of The IoT

The Internet of Things represents many things to many people, and many of them are not good. For some it is either a laughingstock or a punching bag. For IT, it is a subject of derision because securing all connected devices at the edge is a nightmare. But in all cases, the general consensus is that the IoT has failed to live up to expectations and a level of hype not seen since the dot-com ... » read more

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