DRAM Choices Are Suddenly Much More Complicated

Chipmakers are beginning to incorporate multiple types and flavors of DRAM in the same advanced package, setting the stage for increasingly distributed memory but significantly more complex designs. Despite years of predictions that DRAM would be replaced by other types of memory, it remains an essential component in nearly all computing. Rather than fading away, its footprint is increasing,... » read more

Bug, Flaw, Or Cyberattack?

The lines between counterfeiting, security, and design flaws are becoming increasingly difficult to determine in advanced packages and process nodes, where the number of possible causes of unusual behavior grow exponentially with the complexity of a device. Strange behavior may be due to a counterfeit part, including one that contains a trojan. Or it may be the result of a cyberattack. It al... » read more

For SDVs, Software Is The Biggest Challenge

Software-defined vehicles (SDVs) involve far more than just OTA applications enabling software upgrades over the air. Software that will manage hundreds of ECUs and other functions within the vehicle is expected to grow beyond hundreds of millions of lines of code, possibly making SDV software development the number one challenge in automotive design. The benefits of SDVs, such as easy updat... » read more

Data Leakage In Heterogeneous Systems

Semiconductor Engineering sat down with Paul Chou, senior director of security architecture at NVIDIA, to discuss data leakage in heterogeneous designs. What follows are excerpts of that one-on-one interview, which was held in front of a live audience at the Hardwear.io conference. SE: We think about hardware in terms of a chip, but increasingly there is data moving through different systems... » read more

How Much AI Is Really Needed?

Tensor Core GPUs have created a generative AI model gold rush. Whether it’s helping students with math homework, planning a vacation, or learning to prepare a six-course meal, generative AI is ready with answers. But that's only one aspect of AI, and not every application requires it. AI — now an all-inclusive term, referring to the process of using algorithms to learn, predict, and make... » read more

Making Sensors More Reliable

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about the latest issues in sensors with Prakash Madhvapathy, director of product marketing, Tensilica audio/voice DSPs group at Cadence; Kevin Hughes, senior product manager for MEMS sensors at Infineon; and Matthew Hogan, product management director at Siemens EDA. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. [L-R] Kevin ... » read more

Gearing Up For Level 4 Vehicles

More autonomous features are being added into high-end vehicles, but getting to full autonomy will likely take years more effort, a slew of new technologies — some of which are not in use today, and some of which involve infrastructure outside the vehicle — along with sufficient volume to bring the cost of these combined capabilities down to an affordable price point. In the meantime, ma... » read more

Quantum Plus AI Widens Cyberattack Threat Concerns

Quantum computing promises revolutionary changes to the computing paradigm that the semiconductor industry has operated under for decades, but it also raises the prospect of widespread cybersecurity threats. Quantum computing cyberattacks will occur millions of times faster than any assault conventional computing can muster. And while quantum computing is in an early stage of development, ex... » read more

The Threat Of Supply Chain Insecurity

Concerns about counterfeit chips are growing as more chips are deployed in safety- and mission-critical applications, prompting better traceability and new and inexpensive solutions that can determine if chips are new or used. But some counterfeit chips still slip through, and the problem gets worse wherever there are shortages. Estimates vary widely for how much counterfeiting costs in term... » read more

Designing Vehicles Virtually

The shift toward software-defined vehicles (SDVs), electric vehicles (EVs), and ultimately autonomous vehicles (AVs) is proving the value and exposing the weaknesses in simulating individual components and complete vehicles. The ability to model this intensely complex maze of real-world interactions and possible scenarios is improving, and it's happening faster than comparable road-testing o... » read more

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