Metrology And Inspection For The Chiplet Era

New developments and innovations in metrology and inspection will enable chipmakers to identify and address defects faster and with greater accuracy than ever before, all of which will be required at future process nodes and in densely packed assemblies of chiplets. These advances will affect both front-end and back-end processes, providing increased precision and efficiency, combined with a... » read more

Driving Cost Lower and Power Higher With GaN

Gallium nitride is starting to make broader inroads in the lower-end of the high-voltage, wide-bandgap power FET market, where silicon carbide has been the technology of choice. This shift is driven by lower costs and processes that are more compatible with bulk silicon. Efficiency, power density (size), and cost are the three major concerns in power electronics, and GaN can meet all three c... » read more

Chip Security Now Depends On Widening Supply Chain

Securing chips is becoming more challenging as SoCs are disaggregated into chiplets, creating new vulnerabilities that involve hardware and software, as well as multiple entities, and extending threats across a much broader supply chain. In the past, much of the cyber threat model was confined to either hardware or software, and where multiple vendors were involved, various chips were separa... » read more

Post-Quantum Computing Threatens Fundamental Transport Protocols

The Transport Level Security (TLS) protocol is one of the few rock-steady spots in the rapidly changing computing industry, but that's about to change as quantum computers threaten traditional encryption schemes. Because TLS is fundamental to network communications, including allowing Internet of Things (IoT) devices to function properly, researchers already are exploring both hardware and s... » read more

Defining Chip Threat Models To Identify Security Risks

Experts At The Table: As hardware weaknesses have become a major target for attackers, the race to find new ways to strengthen chip security has begun to heat up. But one-size does not fit all solution. To figure out what measures need to be taken, a proper threat model must be assessed. Semiconductor Engineering sat down with a panel of experts at the Design Automation Conference in San Franci... » read more

Where Power Savings Really Count

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss why and where improvements in architectures and data movement will have the biggest impact, with Hans Yeager, senior principal engineer, architecture, at Tenstorrent; Joe Davis, senior director for Calibre interfaces and EM/IR product management at Siemens EDA; Mo Faisal, CEO of Movellus; Trey Roessig, CTO and senior vice presi... » read more

Key Technologies To Extend EUV To 14 Angstroms

The top three foundries plan to implement high-NA EUV lithography as early as 2025 for the 18 angstrom generation, but the replacement of single exposure high-NA (0.55) over double patterning with standard EUV (NA = 0.33) depends on whether it provides better results at a reasonable cost per wafer. So far, 2024 has been a banner year for high-numerical aperture EUV lithography. Intel Foundry... » read more

Will AI Disrupt EDA?

Generative AI has disrupted search, it is transforming the computing landscape, and now it's threatening to disrupt EDA. But despite the buzz and the broad pronouncements of radical changes ahead, it remains unclear where it will have impact and how deep any changes will be. EDA has two primary roles — automation and optimization. Many of the optimization problems are NP hard, which means ... » read more

Floor-Planning Evolves Into The Chiplet Era

3D-ICs and heterogeneous chiplets will require significant changes in physical layout tools, where the placement of chiplets and routing of signals can have a big impact on overall system performance and reliability. EDA vendors are well aware of the issues and working on solutions. Top on the list of challenges for 3D-ICs is thermal dissipation. Logic typically generates the most heat, and ... » read more

What’s Next In System-Level Design?

Experts At The Table: EDA has undergone numerous workflow changes over time. Different skill sets have come into play over the years, and at times this changed the definition of what it means to design at the system level. Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss what this means for designers today, and what the impact will be in the future, with Michal Siwinski, chief marketing officer at... » read more

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