Improving VHDL

For the past several years, I have had the privilege to chair the IEEE 1076 VHDL working group. In March, we handed off the revisions to the VHDL LRM to our technical editor to finalize the document for balloting. As we are waiting for the standards process to finish up, I thought I would share my favorite new additions. Let me start with an executive summary: VHDL-2017 plus Open Source VHDL... » read more

Cutting CapEx, Not Capacity

‘The cloud’ has been an industry buzz word for some time now, and while the initial focus was on data storage and sharing - and spawned the likes of Dropbox – ‘cloud computing’ is currently the latest trend. For instance, Amazon’s cloud platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), gives users access to servers and a range of applications. Storage is available as before but so too now are... » read more

It’s Show Time

It’s been a busy season. The weather has warmed here in the desert and as the trees and greenery enliven in spring, The whole industry is bursting with activity. From DVCon to the International Symposium on FPGAs in the United States to Embedded World and CTIC in Europe, there have been a number of important developments in verification, embedded systems, and DO-254. The DVCon U.S. Confere... » read more

Software Driven Test Of FPGA Prototype

Most everyone would agree how important FPGA prototyping is to test and validate an IP, sub-system, or a complete SoC design. Before the design is taped-out it can be validated at speeds near real operating conditions with physical peripherals and devices connected to it instead of simulation models. At the same time, these designs are not purely hardware, but these days incorporate a significa... » read more

Leveraging The Power Of VDMA Engines For Computer Vision Apps

It's pretty hard to overestimate the role of heterogeneous embedded systems based on Xilinx Zynq-7000 All-Programmable devices in tasks like computer vision. Many consumer electronics and specialized devices are emerging to facilitate and improve industries such as medical, automotive, security, and IoT. The combination of high-performance ARM application processing and Xilinx programmable F... » read more

Better Code With RTL Linting And CDC Verification

Automated design rule checking, or linting, has been around in RTL verification for at least a couple decades, yet still many HDL designers completely ignore this simple yet very powerful bug hunting method. Why would a busy designer need to run this annoying warning generator? The hostility against using conventional linting tools is often explained by the enormous amount of output noise, limi... » read more

FPGA VHDL Verification

By Espen Tallaksen This is actually possible – and with an average efficiency improvement of 20% to 50% for medium to high complexity FPGAs. Less for data path oriented designs and more for control or protocol oriented designs. At no extra cost. All that is required is that you do your testbench development the same way you do your design. Every single FPGA designer knows that a good to... » read more

An Easier Path To Faster C With FPGAs

For most scientists, what is inside a high-performance computing platform is a mystery. All they usually want to know is that a platform will run an advanced algorithm thrown at it. What happens when a subject matter expert creates a powerful model for an algorithm that in turn automatically generates C code that runs too slowly? FPGA experts have created an answer. More and more, the genera... » read more

FPGAs Accelerating IoT Gateway And Infrastructure Tiers

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become the main topic in the technological world; it seems everybody is talking about it as the next wave in electronic systems. The scope of the IoT is so wide now, some have suggested changing the name to the Internet of Everything. We now expect all devices we use in our personal and professional lives to be connected, starting from the obvious ones in smartp... » read more

Introduction To AXI Protocol

By Brandon Wade When part of a team, your group can become more capable than a single individual, but only if your team can work together and communicate effectively. Having members of a group talk over each other leads to nothing but a cacophony, and nothing gets done. For this reason protocols need to be established, such as letting others speak without interruption, or facing those you ar... » read more

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