The High-Speed Virtual Highway

By Frank Ferro By now it’s safe to say that complex, high-speed design is no longer a riddle….at least in theory. We all know the end game. In its most fundamental form, isn’t it really a designer’s negotiation and compromise with the end user that comes down to action and reaction? We know users demand more and more applications to run simultaneously on their smart devices. We know... » read more

Summertime…And The Living (Isn’t) Easy

By Jack Browne Normally summer is a time where most people slow down, relax, take vacations and the pace slows down accordingly with the seasonal ebb and flow of our industry. But not this summer. Exhibit A, B, C, D and so on: This past month has demonstrated the profound element of change. Mostly in our wallets. The stock market volatility and global economic disruptions have echoed (an... » read more

High Stakes Domination

By Frank Ferro As an I IP provider, I have been watching with great interest the patent battles taking place between the major players in the wireless market. The now seemingly daily announcements of new lawsuits in the mobile consumer market translate to several things—wireless devices have become true consumer items, the dollars are high and new companies have reshaped the market landscape... » read more

Playing Hardball With Software

By Frank Ferro Software is never-ending, or so the axiom goes. It shouldn’t take long to convince anyone that has used an electronic device of the truth of this statement. The PC environment is the most obvious (and obnoxious) example with daily application software updates, at the most inconvenient times, coupled with regularly scheduled updates for the OS. Even embedded devices like media ... » read more

Powering Forward Or Moon Walking?

By Frank Ferro How many of us would go back to watching television in black and white, or carry around a 10-pound laptop or cell phone that resembles the ones in original brick form? For most consumers, it would even be hard to turn back the clock on more recent innovations like Wi-Fi and digital cameras (finding a place to plug-in the lap, run wires through the house, carrying around film! Fi... » read more

Dawn Of The M2M Age

By Jack Browne With the unrelenting progress of Moore’s Law, the semiconductor sector has enabled technology to power today’s cloud computing model. For 30 years, the industry has been talking about the convergence of computing, control and communication. But today, people are mostly intrigued by the end user experience for their devices and how to connect to the Internet of things. The... » read more

Speeding Tickets

By Frank Ferro Speed sells. Bells and whistles are always intriguing and fun to have, but the driver for new products is usually speed. We want to move our phones to the 4G network for faster download speeds, or replace our 802.11g home router with the new 802.11n, we want a PC with a dual-core processor to replace the single-core processor, and the list goes on. Clearly speed is an easy way t... » read more

Bridging The Gap

By Frank Ferro Today’s industry shows are feeling a lot like deja vu…tablets, tablets, smartphones, smartphones. The recent CES felt very similar to Mobile World Congress (MWC) with all the emphasis on smart phones and pad computing. When I first started attending MWC—it was called 3GSM in those days and held in France—semiconductor companies seemed somewhat misplaced because 3GSM w... » read more

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