AI, ML Chip Choices

Flex Logix’s Cheng Wang talks about which types of chips work best for neural networks, AI and machine learning. » read more

Embedded FPGA Timing

Namit Varma, senior director of Achronix’s India Technology Center, explains how to time an eFPGA, what can go wrong, what are the different clocking scenarios, and what impact variation has on the process. » read more

7nm Design Challenges

Ty Garibay, CTO at ArterisIP, talks about the challenges of moving to 7nm, who’s likely to head there, how long it will take to develop chips at that node, and why it will be so expensive. This also raises questions about whether chips will begin to disaggregate at 7nm and 5nm. » read more

Embedded FPGA Design Considerations

Geoff Tate, CEO of Flex Logix, talks about interconnects, memory, different design approaches, and why foundry processes are critical to eFPGA design. » read more

Tech Talk: ISO 26262 Drilldown

ArterisIP’s Kurt Shuler looks at what can go wrong in automotive design, what are the prerequisites for getting the attention of Tier 1 and OEMs, and what’s involved in automotive design at all levels. » read more

Tech Talk: eFPGA Performance Benchmarking

Tony Kozaczuk, director of system architecture at Flex Logix, explains how to avoid bottlenecks and improve throughput and performance in embedded FPGAs. » read more

Tech Talk: HW Security

Ben Levine, senior director of product management at Rambus, explains how to minimize the risk of attacks on chip hardware, why design for security is becoming more critical for connected devices, and strategies for making devices less vulnerable. » read more

Tech Talk: eFPGA Timing

Flex Logix's Chen Wang talks about timing for an embedded FPGA and how that differs from ASIC timing. » read more

Tech Talk: On-Chip Variation

Raymond Nijssen, vice president of systems engineering at Achronix, discusses on-chip and process variation at 7nm and 5nm, the role of embedded FPGAs, and how to reduce margin and pessimistic designs. » read more

Tech Talk: eFPGA Density

Chen Wang, senior vice president of engineering at Flex Logix, talks about how to improve density in embedded FPGAs. » read more

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