Where Is The Edge?

Mike Fitton, senior director of strategic planning at Achronix, talks about what the edge will look like, how that fits in with the cloud, what the requirements are both for processing and for storage, and how this concept will evolve.   Edge Knowledge Center Top stories, videos, blogs, white papers all related to the Edge » read more

Memory Subsystems In Edge Inferencing Chips

Geoff Tate, CEO of Flex Logix, talks about key issues in a memory subsystem in an inferencing chip, how factors like heat can affect performance, and where these kinds of chips will be used. » read more

IP Security In FPGAs

Quinn Jacobson, strategic architect at Achronix, talks about security in FPGAs, including how to prevent reverse engineering of IP, how to make sure the design is authentic, and how to limit access to IP in transit and in the chip. » read more

Smart NiCs

Manish Sinha, strategic planning for marketing and business at Achronix, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about what’s changing in networking interface cards, how to get more performance out of these devices, and how much needs to be in hardware versus software. » read more

Using Compression For High-Bandwidth Video

Malte Doerper, senior manager for product management at Synopsys, explains how to improve bandwidth and reduce latency in video without changing out the existing infrastructure through compression, but unlike previous versions of compression there is no significant loss of quality. This approach reduces power, area and heat, as well. » read more

Inferencing At The Edge

David Fritz, head of corporate strategic alliances at Mentor, a Siemens Business, shows how to apply YOLO (you only look once) at the edge, allowing automotive companies to move from a GPU to a much more efficient processor. That allows inferencing to move much closer to the sensor, so neural networks can be tailored to the type of data being produced. From there the data can be abstracted and ... » read more

How To Improve ML Power/Performance

Raymond Nijssen, vice president and chief technologist at Achronix, talks about the shift from brute-force performance to more power efficiency in machine learning processing, the new focus on enough memory bandwidth to keep MAC functions busy, and how dynamic range, precision and locality can be modified to improve speed and reduce power. » read more

Inferencing Efficiency

Geoff Tate, CEO of Flex Logix, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about how to measure efficiency in inferencing chips, how to achieve the most throughput for the lowest cost, and what the benchmarks really show. » read more

5G Design Changes

Mike Fitton, senior director of strategic planning at Achronix, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about the two distinct parts of 5G deployment, how to get a huge amount of data from the core to the edge of a device where it is usable, and how a network on chip can improve the flow of data. » read more

Holes In AI Security

Mike Borza, principal security technologist in Synopsys’ Solutions Group, explains why security is lacking in AI, why AI is especially susceptible to Trojans, and why small changes in training data can have big impacts on many devices. » read more

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