Tech Talk: Mobile Security (Part 1)

Simon Blake-Wilson, of Rambus' Cryptography Research Division, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about mobile security and how the risk will escalate with the IoT in banking, data centers, entertainment and devices themselves. [youtube vid=EJ75T-SEp4U] » read more

Tech Talk: Moore’s Law

Aki Fujimara, CEO of D2S, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about the the technical challenges of scaling device and functionality, and the economics on cost per gate. [youtube vid=hBXtSCRbR64] » read more

Tech Talk: The Enigma Machine

Paul Kocher, president of Rambus' Cryptography Research Division, shows off the famed World War II cypher device—the same machine used in the movie "The Imitation Game", and explains how and why the supposedly unbreakable code was cracked, and why that applies to current day security. [youtube vid=aKvpcUefok8] » read more

Tech Talk: Formal Discussion

Pratik Mahajan, senior R&D manager for verification at Synopsys, talks about how to use simulation plus formal verification. [youtube vid=TjO8up0nPGg] » read more

Tech Talk: Photomask Challenges

GlobalFoundries' Bob Pack talks with Semiconductor Engineering about new problems experienced by photomask shops and how does lithography affects it all. [youtube vid=8hJwVhaZhFc] » read more

Tech Talk: Set-Top Power

Broadcom's John Redmond, associate technical director for digital video technology, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about what the next-generation set-top boxes will look like and how they will save power. The video was shot at Cadence's Low Power Summit. [youtube vid=Ov2GFrUTzts] » read more

Tech Talk: Cloud Power

PMC distinguished engineer Kenneth Wagner talks about the need for conserving energy in the data center as well as mobile device, and what are the best ways to accomplish that. The video was shot at the Cadence Low Power Summit. [youtube vid=tXx8-qX4vm4] » read more

Tech Talk: Inverse Lithography

D2S’ Leo Pang talks with Semiconductor Engineering about lithography, inverse lithography, photomasks, where the problems are, and what needs to be done to move forward. [youtube vid=mn8JWaP8Z68] » read more

Tech Talk: What’s Inside Your Car?

Dinraj Shetty, vice president of design engineering at Spansion, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about automotive electronics and where the big concerns are today. The video was shot at the Cadence Low Power Summit. [youtube vid=-Qbgh8aFDTA] » read more

Tech Talk: Formal Practices

[getentity id="22147" comment="Oski Technology"] president and CEO [getperson id="11074" comment="Vigyan Singhal"] defines [getkc id="33" comment="formal verification"], where to start, and how and when to use it. [youtube vid=pxoSWtb4xIw] » read more

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