Systems & Design

Cybersecurity And Functional Safety: The Case For Embedded Analytics

An integrated approach to ISO26262 and ISO21434 compliance.


From advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to a new generation of robots and medical systems, we are seeing an explosion in the development of cyber-physical systems. Because these systems use advanced software to interact with the physical world, security and safety are paramount concerns. These issues are reflected in many industries by the use of safety and security standards based on a philosophy of risk assessment and reduction.

Functional safety (FuSa) has for many years been a mainstream concept in automotive electronics, as reflected by the ISO26262 standard, which plays a key role in assuring implementors and users that road vehicles are safe. More recently, it has become increasingly clear that cybersecurity for connected vehicles represents an equally important issue: this is captured in a newer, related standard, ISO21434.

Although primarily intended for use in the automotive industry, the methodologies embodied by these standards have a broader application.

UltraSoC is now part of Siemens. Click here to read more.

To read the original paper, click here.

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