DAC: An Exhibitor’s Perspective

Things to think about before and at DAC.


It is less than four weeks to DAC. At this point you should be deep into your planning and ready to drop down secure all your exhibit services before the deadline.

While you are thinking about how to manage all the details of getting your booth on the show floor, this is a great time to take a step back and make sure you have clearly defined exhibit “takeaways” — think “goals” and “how you measure success”. They could be through key customer engagements, new contacts/logos, and/or conversations with investors?

Start by listing what you want your target audience to take away from visiting your booth. You have just a few seconds to catch their attention, so make sure your message is clear, short and to the point. Is it a new product introduction, a product upgrade or a new partnership? Keep it to one clear takeaway. I know as technologist we love to deep dive into the tech story, but save that conversation for a one-on-one exchange or product demo. There is no need to have your complete university Ph.D. dissertation on the back wall of your booth. Essentially, keep your message simple and direct.

Now, let’s move to getting your exhibit onto the exhibition floor. Tradeshows may feel like another world and sometimes seem to use a foreign language. As travelers, we all know before we partake on any journey into a foreign land its best to consult a good guide book. The same goes for when organizing an exhibit. DAC provides all the needed “travel details.” The exhibit manual covers complete planning timelines and tips for success.

To help you sort this all out and up your exhibit game, there are plenty of other resources available online. Even after years of experience as an event manager, I still refer to www.exhibitoronline.com to stay current with what’s new in the tradeshow world. They have plenty of great ideas and I frequently adopt a few “tips and tricks” to create an engaging, sales friendly, experience for my customers and sales managers.

And remember, Wednesday at DAC may bring a moment of great joy as we celebrate another great year, but don’t forget our 2020 DAC booth selection is early that morning. If you are a current exhibitor the DAC Exhibits Team will reach out to you before that day with all the details, or you can contact them by phone at +1 630-434-7779 or email at [email protected].

See you at DAC.

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