Expansion Of The IoT Brings New Security Challenges

Mixing 5G tech with IoT has some unintended security consequences that can be avoided by being intentional about testing with a generational fuzzer.


The evolution of 5G technologies continues to drive advancement in Internet of Things (IoT) devices and their applications. By 2025, experts predict there will be nearly 4 billion IoT mobile connections in the world, and more than 64 billion IoT devices by 2026.

In addition to enabling superior performance and efficiency, 5G expands the attack surface of applications and devices that run on it. Security breakdowns and exploits on the internet and in public networks have always been dangerous and costly, but IoT and 5G technologies will bring new, unknown attacks as well.

How Defensics generational fuzzer can help
Defensics® generational fuzzer finds security vulnerabilities in the software and devices using 5G networks. It includes 300 prebuilt test suites, as well as custom suites to protect organizations from unknown vulnerabilities.

Download the white paper to learn about Defensics systematic and intelligent approach to negative testing and how it allows organizations to secure software without compromising on product innovation, time to market, or operational costs.

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