Getting Power Management Right

There are many technical avenues to managing the power in heterogenous SoCs today, and a few human ones.


Getting power management right in the era of heterogeneous SoCs is a multi-pronged effort, there’s no getting around it.

Engineering teams daily try to squeeze more and more power from their designs, which many times includes adding human resources and expertise to the project.

Take an example where a design team leader gets the mandate to include high level synthesis in the design methodology. A migration is required here from the process used previously, to the new one being implemented. This migration is often difficult because either new personnel must be added, or the existing staff must not only write the RTL but also perform the high level synthesis because during the migration, they must do both until they’re confident they can abandon coding RTL and just go directly to high level modeling and synthesis.

Of course, there is the practical limitations that this switch can’t be made overnight, and the team will likely need to go through at least one design iteration where there is duplicate work happening: someone codes RTL while someone else take the high level synthesis route. The design in done in parallel to convince themselves that HLS really does work. This is difficult for many engineering teams, and requires a skilled team to manage the transition.

To achieve the best designs possible, it is helpful to consider sharpening but human and technical skills on a regular basis. It all adds up.

To this point, discussions such as one I am moderating later this month on, “Empowering Leadership With Wit And Wisdom,” offers an opportunity to sharpen the human leadership skills, which are more important than ever in successful design teams. Hope to see you there.

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