How To Answer Five Common Questions About Power Module Current Density

Key factors that determine module efficiency and performance.


Power module current density is an important factor in determining the efficiency and performance of power modules. This article answers five common questions about power module current density so you can make informed decisions when designing a power module for your application.

1. How many wire bonds are required?

Generally, a higher current density requires an increased number of wire bonds to reduce resistance and ensure efficient electrical performance.

2. Is the current through the wire bonds distributed equally?

The current density of the module determines how much power each bond carries; the higher the current density, the more power it will be asked to carry and thus, the less evenly distributed it will be.

3. Which conductor material should be used?

The most important factor is the current density; the higher the current density, the more robust the conductor material must be.

4. Do current density hot spots based on component or dimple placement exist?

Yes, current density hot spots can exist based on component or dimple placement. This is because components and dimples are usually not evenly distributed across the power module’s surface area, resulting in certain areas having higher concentrations of current than others.

5. Does the maximum current density for different load cases vary?

The maximum current density for different load cases can vary depending on the module design and its intended use. In general, higher current densities require more robust conductor materials, more wire bonds, and more careful component placement to ensure an optimal electrical performance.

To learn more about designing power modules, download a free paper: Power Modules: A Four-Dimensional Design Challenge Calls for a Holistic Design and Verification Approach

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