
Maximizing Energy Efficiency in Subthreshold RISC-V Cores (NTNU)


A new technical paper titled “Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Subthreshold RISC-V Cores” was published by researchers at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

“Our goal in this paper is to understand how to maximize energy efficiency when designing standard-ISA processor cores for subthreshold operation. We hence develop a custom subthreshold library and use it to synthesize the open-source RISC-V cores SERV, QERV, PicoRV32, Ibex, Rocket, and two variants of Vex, targeting a supply voltage of 300 mV in a commercial 130 nm process. SERV, QERV, and PicoRV32 are multi-cycle architectures, while Ibex, Vex, and Rocket are pipelined architectures.
We find that SERV, QERV, PicoRV32, and Vex are Pareto optimal in one or more of performance, power, and area. The 2-stage Vex (Vex-2) is the most energy efficient core overall, mainly because it uses fewer cycles per instruction than multi-cycle SERV, QERV, and PicoRV32 while retaining similar power consumption. Pipelining increases core area, and we observe that for subthreshold operation, the longer wires of pipelined designs require adding buffers to maintain a cycle time that is low enough to achieve high energy efficiency. These buffers limit the performance gains achievable by deeper pipelining because they result in cycle time no longer scaling proportionally with pipeline stages. The added buffers and the additional area required for pipelining logic however increase power consumption, and Vex-2 therefore provides similar performance and lower power consumption than the 5-stage cores Vex-5 and Rocket. A key contribution of this paper is therefore to demonstrate that limited-depth pipelined RISC-V designs hit the sweet spot in balancing performance and power consumption when optimizing for energy efficiency in subthreshold operation.”

Find the technical paper here. February 2025.

Djupdal, Asbjørn, Magnus Själander, Magnus Jahre, Snorre Aunet, and Trond Ytterdal. “Optimizing Energy Efficiency in Subthreshold RISC-V Cores.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.06588 (2025).

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