Multi-tier Die Stacking Through Collective Die-to-Wafer Hybrid bonding

The proposed imec collective-die-to-wafer bonding flow, including laser debonding with laser release layer and acoustic layer, can be extended to the multi-tier level.


A technical paper titled “Multi-tier Die Stacking Through Collective Die-to-Wafer Hybrid bonding” was published by researchers at imec, Brewer Science and SUSS MicroTec Lithography GmbH.


“A collective die-to-wafer bonding flow is extended beyond the N=2 tier to the N=3 and N=4 tier by collectively bonding multiple layers of dies on top of a target wafer. The N=2 die-level is shown to be consistently free of bonding voids (bond yields close to 100%) with +99% die transfer yields. For the N=3 and N=4 die-levels, both the transfer yields and bonding yields are significantly lower. Both N=2 and N=3 stacks show similar die-totarget wafer alignment. A cross sectional SEM of a 5-micron pitch shows excellent alignment and connectivity between Die 1 and Die 2 (N=3).”

Find the technical paper here.

Presented at the 2024 IEEE 74th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC).

Authors: Koen Kennes, Ye Lin, Samuel Suhard, Pieter Bex, Dieter H. Cuypers, Alice Guerrero, Dennis Bumueller , Alain Phommahaxay , Gerald Beyer and Eric Beyne.

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