Survey: 2019 eBeam Initiative Perceptions Survey Results

EUV confidence remains high. What 68 luminaries from 42 countries think about EUV, ebeam writers, and the mask industry.


Results of the 2020 eBeam Initiative Perceptions survey, now called the Luminaries survey, will be made available starting on September 22 here:

Meanwhile, here is the 8th Annual Perceptions Survey – 2019 (July). 68 luminaries across 42 different companies participated.

Some highlights:

  • Deep learning impact predicted by 2020: 76% of the respondents say it’s somewhat to very likely to be a purchase criterion.
  • Mask market growth perceived to be slowing 62% predict “6% or lower” 3 yr CAGR for 2019.
  • Confidence in EUV remains high.

Click here to see the survey results.

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