The Four Pillars Of Hyperscale Computing

In his keynote at CadenceLIVE Americas 2020, Facebook’s Vijay Rao, director, Technology and Strategy, described the four core elements the team considers when designing their data centers—compute, storage, memory, and networking. Wait a minute. Facebook? How did we get here? Wasn’t EDA supposed to be focused on chip design? As indicated in a previous blog, electronic value chains are defi... » read more

System Bits: July 3

VW emissions tests cheat code found A team of researchers from UC San Diego, Ruhr University along with an independent researcher has uncovered the mechanism that Volkswagen used to circumvent U.S. and European emission tests over a period of at least six years before the EPA put the company on notice in 2015 for violating the Clean Air Act. The researchers found the code that allowed onboa... » read more

New Twist On Scalable Electronics?

Snug in their tents at Everest base camp a few years ago, Matt Du Puy and his colleagues marveled at the howling snowstorm outside, until they peeked out and saw snow drifts piling up quickly. They made a quick decision to tug on their boots and seek safer ground. As they did, clutches of other campers emerged and fell in line, bleary-eyed refugees trudging through the darkness. “We got of... » read more