SW/HW Codesign For CXL Memory Disaggregation In Billion-Scale Nearest Neighbor Search (KAIST)

A technical paper titled “Bridging Software-Hardware for CXL Memory Disaggregation in Billion-Scale Nearest Neighbor Search” was published by researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Panmnesia. Abstract: "We propose CXL-ANNS, a software-hardware collaborative approach to enable scalable approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) services. To this e... » read more

New Uses For AI In Chips

Artificial intelligence is being deployed across a number of new applications, from improving performance and reducing power in a wide range of end devices to spotting irregularities in data movement for security reasons. While most people are familiar with using machine learning and deep learning to distinguish between cats and dogs, emerging applications show how this capability can be use... » read more

Easier And Faster Ways To Train AI

Training an AI model takes an extraordinary amount of effort and data. Leveraging existing training can save time and money, accelerating the release of new products that use the model. But there are a few ways this can be done, most notably through transfer and incremental learning, and each of them has its applications and tradeoffs. Transfer learning and incremental learning both take pre... » read more

There’s More To Machine Learning Than CNNs

Neural networks – and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in particular – have received an abundance of attention over the last few years, but they're not the only useful machine-learning structures. There are numerous other ways for machines to learn how to solve problems, and there is room for alternative machine-learning structures. “Neural networks can do all this really comple... » read more

Developers Turn To Analog For Neural Nets

Machine-learning (ML) solutions are proliferating across a wide variety of industries, but the overwhelming majority of the commercial implementations still rely on digital logic for their solution. With the exception of in-memory computing, analog solutions mostly have been restricted to universities and attempts at neuromorphic computing. However, that’s starting to change. “Everyon... » read more

Edge-Inference Architectures Proliferate

First part of two parts. The second part will dive into basic architectural characteristics. The last year has seen a vast array of announcements of new machine-learning (ML) architectures for edge inference. Unburdened by the need to support training, but tasked with low latency, the devices exhibit extremely varied approaches to ML inference. “Architecture is changing both in the comp... » read more

Spiking Neural Networks: Research Projects or Commercial Products?

Spiking neural networks (SNNs) often are touted as a way to get close to the power efficiency of the brain, but there is widespread confusion about what exactly that means. In fact, there is disagreement about how the brain actually works. Some SNN implementations are less brain-like than others. Depending on whom you talk to, SNNs are either a long way away or close to commercialization. Th... » read more