More EMI Mitigation

With electromagnetic interference a major design challenge today in any product that sends or receives a signal, determining how to lessen the impact of this phenomenon was addressed to a large extent in my article, “EMI Cuts a Wide Swath,” but there are a few additional techniques that are important to highlight. Erick Olsen, marketing director at NXP explained that higher performance c... » read more

Wanted: ESL Power Design Flow

In order to truly incorporate understanding of power at a higher-than-RTL level of abstraction, a new design flow is needed—and it won’t come from just one vendor. Apache believes that tool flow must contain ESL simulation, ESL synthesis to RTL along with RTL power analysis using ESL simulation results. The company maintains that this very approach has been demonstrated successfully by w... » read more

Making Power Delivery Networks Better

Careful design of power delivery networks can make the difference in whether a chip manages power effectively or fails completely. This impact of cost and other factors in the design process has not gone unnoticed. Aveek Sarkar, vice president of customer support and product engineering at Apache Design Solutions, pointed to the iPhone as an example, where 50% or more of the bill of material... » read more

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