Drill Down: Embedded NVM Technology

Many of the next-generation devices that will be seen on the IoT/E will have power, footprint, and electronic constraints as never before. Electronic flash memories (eFLASH), and their derivatives are seen as a realistic solution to many of these design constraints for small form factor and simple IoE devices. “NVM will be very important for the IoE from the perspective of saving power," ... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: March 10

Simulated memories Resistance-switching cells hold promise as a faster, higher capacity, lower power replacement for current non-volatile memory. Yet "the mechanisms that govern their remarkable properties have been poorly understood, limiting our ability to assess the ultimate performance and potential for commercialization," said Alejandro Strachan, professor of materials engineering at Pu... » read more

What Comes Next?

The latest manufacturing, materials and production developments for emerging and adjacent markets will be featured at SEMICON West 2014 (www.semiconwest.org), to be held on July 8-10 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, Calif. The co-location of emerging and adjacent market focused exhibitors and technical presentations within the framework of SEMICON West maximizes the synergies between sem... » read more

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