How To Model Cars

The most technologically advanced and comprehensive consumer product in the world today is not the smartphone. It's the automobile. This is easier to see once the hood is up and you can take a peek around. Today’s cars contain sophisticated motion systems, crash safety systems, climate control systems, driver assistance, and infotainment, to name a few. In semiconductor design, one of the ... » read more

Driving The Road Less Traveled

To a large extent, the automotive industry does not follow traditional design approaches that are seen in the semiconductor industry, mostly because of the way the automotive ecosystem is structured, combined with a level of complexity not seen even in products like smartphones and other highly sophisticated consumer electronic devices. Thomas Heurung, manager of technical sales teams in Eur... » read more

The Automotive V-Cycle

During the research for my article on making cars smarter, I learned from Andrew Patterson at [getentity id="22017" e_name="Mentor Graphics"] that when it comes to the [getkc id="10" kc_name="verification"] side, one well-established practice in the automotive industry is the use of the V-Cycle design methodology (also known as the V-Model) and that carmakers tend to follow that. He explain... » read more

Rolling Out Automotive Security

The automotive world has traditionally been a secretive place as automakers made it their mission to hold design plans as close to their vests as possible. With complexity in the automotive design process, that tradition has been changing as automakers work ever more closely with their ecosystem. In one example, Adam Sherer, product management group director for automotive safety in the S... » read more

Can Cars Be Hack-Proof?

Not many days go by when there isn't a news headline describing the latest hacking attempt — or success — of an automobile or automotive system. Malicious hacking has been around almost since the dawn of connected electronics, but it's happening with increasing sophistication in the automotive sector. Even high-end vehicles suffer security flaws that are too costly or not worthwhile to f... » read more

Automotive System Design Challenges

The automotive semiconductor market did exceptionally well last year. IHS reported strong vehicle production growth and increased semiconductor content in 2014, and that trend is likely to continue with semiconductor revenue for the automotive segment to reach $31 billion this year, up from $29 billion last year. The market research company affirmed the fastest growing segments for automoti... » read more

Enabling ISO 26262 Qualification

This document describes how to approach the software tool qualification outlined in ISO 26262 when developing automotive electrical and electronic systems using Cadence tools. Cadence provides an ISO 26262 Tool Qualification Kit, also described in this document, that can help developers through the process with common use cases and reference workflows. Following these guidelines speeds developm... » read more

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