Innovative NoC Implementation Dramatically Speeds Derivative Design

The Inuitive team faced a significant challenge when developing a derivative design based on the NU4000, their first vision-on-chip processor. The NU4000 employs the Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) on-chip communication bus protocol developed by Arm. However, removing one of the NU4000’s three vector cores resulted in access to only a limited number of AXI ports. The problem was that ... » read more

Vtech: Bus Performance, FPGA Debug

It has been a long time since I was able to talk about a new verification company, but today I can introduce you to Verification Technology, or Vtech for short. If you do a search for them, you will probably find a company that sells baby monitors and kids toys. This is not that company. So, let's make sure you have the right web address to start with or https://vtech-inc... » read more