A quantitative model for the bipolar amplification effect: A new method to determine semiconductor/oxide interface state densities

Abstract "We report on a model for the bipolar amplification effect (BAE), which enables defect density measurements utilizing BAE in metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors. BAE is an electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) technique, which has recently been utilized for defect identification because of the improved EDMR sensitivity and selectivity to interface defects.... » read more

Week In Review: Manufacturing, Test

Chipmakers and OEMs A severe winter storm has hit many parts of the United States, including Texas. In Austin, utility providers are prioritizing service to residential areas. As a result, electricity and natural gas providers have temporarily suspended service to Austin’s semiconductor manufacturers, including Samsung and NXP. "Due to the recent blackouts in Texas, Samsung Austin Semicon... » read more

RF GaN Gains Steam

The RF [getkc id="217" kc_name="gallium nitride"] (GaN) device market is heating up amid the need for more performance with better power densities in a range of systems, such as infrastructure equipment, missile defense and radar. On one front, for example, RF GaN is beginning to displace a silicon-based technology for the power amplifier sockets in today’s wireless base stations. GaN is m... » read more