CFETs with Optimized Buried Power Rails

A technical paper titled "Buried power rail to suppress substrate leakage in complementary field effect transistor (CFET)" was published by researchers at Korea University and Sungkyunkwan University. Abstract "In the pursuit of minimizing the track height in standard cell, a design innovation incorporating complementary field-effect transistors (CFETs) and Buried Power Rail (BPR) technolog... » read more

Beyond 5nm: Review of Buried Power Rails & Back-Side Power

A new technical paper titled "A Holistic Evaluation of Buried Power Rails and Back-Side Power for Sub-5 nm Technology Nodes" is presented by researchers at UT Austin, Arm Research, and imec. Find the technical paper here. Published July 2022. S. S. T. Nibhanupudi et al., "A Holistic Evaluation of Buried Power Rails and Back-Side Power for Sub-5 nm Technology Nodes," in IEEE Transactions... » read more

Extending Copper Interconnects To 2nm

Transistor scaling is reaching a tipping point at 3nm, where nanosheet FETs will likely replace finFETs to meet performance, power, area, and cost (PPAC) goals. A significant architectural change is similarly being evaluated for copper interconnects at 2nm, a move that would reconfigure the way power is delivered to transistors. This approach relies on so-called buried power rails (BPRs) and... » read more