Rules Of The Driverless Road

The growing disparity among states, countries and carmakers over autonomous driving is turning what should be a logical progression into chaos. Consider what's happening in California, which is determined to remain the leader in this tech revolution. The state last month relaxed its testing rules so that cars can be monitored remotely, with no driver actually present inside the car. I... » read more

Photonics Moves Closer To Chip

Silicon photonics is resurfacing after more than a decade in the shadows, driven by demands to move larger quantities of data faster, using extremely low power and with minimal heat. Until recently, much of the attention in photonics focused on moving data between servers and storage. Now there is growing interest at the PCB level and in heterogeneous multi-chip packages. Government, academi... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: July 29

Measuring hydrogen fuel for cars The use of fuel cells to power cars and buses is still in its infancy. Fuel cell vehicles are electric-based systems powered by hydrogen. A fuel cell uses a certain type of proton exchange membrane (PEM). The PEM fuel cells are stacked together to form a fuel cell stack. All told, fuel cell systems are about 60% efficient, or roughly two to three times more ... » read more

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