Minimizing Chip Aging Effects

Aging kills semiconductors, and it is a growing problem for an increasing number of semiconductor applications—especially as they migrate to more advanced nodes. Additional analysis and prevention methods are becoming necessary for safety critical applications. While some aspects of aging can be mitigated up front, others are tied to the operation of the device. What can an engineering tea... » read more

Aging Models: The Basis For Predicting Circuit Reliability

Today, many products are based on high-performance electronic systems and integrated circuits (ICs), and the importance of these elements is ever-increasing. A certain tension arises here as these applications often call for a large amount of processing power and reliability. The processing power can best be supplied with highly scaled semiconductor technologies. However, these manufacturing te... » read more

Understanding Your Chip’s Age

A Q&A with Moortec CTO Oliver King. Why is understanding your chip's age important? Semiconductor devices age over time, we all know that, but what is often not well understood are the mechanisms for aging or the limits that will cause a chip to fail. In addition, there is bound to be a requirement for a minimum lifetime of a device which will depend on application but could be two or... » read more

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