Voltage Reference Architectures For Harsh Environments: Quantum Computing And Space

A technical paper titled “Cryo-CMOS Voltage References for the Ultrawide Temperature Range From 300 K Down to 4.2 K” was published by researchers at Delft University of Technology, QuTech, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft, and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Abstract: "This article presents a family of sub-1-V, fully-CMOS voltage references adopting MOS devices in ... » read more

Forward Body Biasing in Bulk Cryo-CMOS With Negligible Leakage (TU Delft)

A new technical paper titled "Cryogenic-Aware Forward Body Biasing in Bulk CMOS" was published by researchers at QuTech, Tu Delft. Abstract "Cryogenic CMOS (cryo-CMOS) circuits are often hindered by the cryogenic threshold-voltage increase. To mitigate such an increase, a forward body biasing (FBB) technique in bulk CMOS is proposed, which can operate up to the nominal supply without prob... » read more

Cryogenic CMOS Becomes Cool

Cryogenic CMOS is a technology on the cusp, promising higher performance and lower power with no change in fabrication technology. The question now is whether it becomes viable and mainstream. Technologies often appear to be just on the horizon, not quite making it, but never too far out of sight. That's usually because some issue plagues it, and the incentive is not big enough to solve the ... » read more