Addressing Quantum Computing Threats With SRAM PUFs

You’ve probably been hearing a lot lately about the quantum-computing threat to cryptography. If so, you probably also have a lot of questions about what this “quantum threat” is and how it will impact your cryptographic solutions. Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions about quantum computing and its impact on cryptography. What is a quantum computer? A quantum comput... » read more

The Importance Of Memory Encryption For Protecting Data In Use

As systems-on-chips (SoCs) become increasingly complex, security functions must grow accordingly to protect the semiconductor devices themselves and the sensitive information residing on or passing through them. While a Root of Trust security solution built into the SoCs can protect the chip and data resident therein (data at rest), many other threats exist which target interception, theft or t... » read more

Memristor Crossbar Architecture for Encryption, Decryption and More

A new technical paper titled "Tunable stochastic memristors for energy-efficient encryption and computing" was published by researchers at Seoul National University, Sandia National Laboratories, Texas A&M University and Applied Materials. Abstract "Information security and computing, two critical technological challenges for post-digital computation, pose opposing requirement... » read more

Quantum Computing Challenged By Security, Error Correction

The number and volume of warnings about a post-quantum cryptography (PQC) world are rising, as governments, banks, and other entities prepare for a rash of compromised data and untrustworthy digital signatures. Exactly when this will become a genuine threat is still somewhat fuzzy, because it depends on progress in developing robust qubits. A report by McKinsey & Co. estimates that by 20... » read more

Enabling Long-Lasting Security For Semiconductors

There’s no doubt we live in a world where technology is highly intertwined within our daily lives. It has become pervasive in our homes, our automobiles and, critically, at our work. With so many access points into our lives, we’ve not only become extremely vulnerable to data collection, but more devastatingly, hackers. Today, hackers have more time, resources, available training and motiva... » read more

2023: A Good Year For Semiconductors

Looking back, 2023 has had more than its fair share of surprises, but who were the winners and losers? The good news is that by the end of the year, almost everyone was happy. That is not how we exited 2022, where there was overcapacity, inventories had built up in many parts of the industry, and few sectors — apart from data centers — were seeing much growth. The supposed new leaders we... » read more

Getting Ready For The Quantum Computing Era: Thoughts On Hybrid Cryptography

Once quantum computers, more specifically Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computers (CRQCs), have become powerful and reliable enough, they will enable adversaries to break current asymmetric encryption, placing important data and assets at risk. New digital signatures and key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) are needed, and while considerable progress has been made in recent years to develop... » read more

Draft Standards For Quantum Safe Cryptography Are Here

The world of security is constantly evolving, and in the few short weeks that have passed since my last blog on What It Takes To Make An SoC Design Quantum Safe, there have been some new and exciting developments in the world of quantum safe cryptography. On August 24th, 2023, NIST published the first three draft standards for general-purpose Quantum Safe Cryptography (also known as Post-Quantu... » read more

What It Takes To Make An SoC Design Quantum Safe

When it comes to quantum computing attacks, the first question people ask is “will my design be impacted?” In the majority of cases, the answer is yes. For any device that cannot function with manually programmed symmetric keys, which is most devices, you must plan to make upgrades. The good news is that your architecture is not impacted. Secure domains remain secure domains and keys can be... » read more

An Evaluation of Quantum Algorithms On Classical Hardware Using The CuQuantum Framework

A technical paper titled “Simulating Noisy Quantum Circuits for Cryptographic Algorithms” was published by researchers at Virginia Tech. Abstract: "The emergence of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers has important consequences for cryptographic algorithms. It is theoretically well-established that key algorithms used in cybersecurity are vulnerable to quantum computers due ... » read more

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