Hardware Security Guide to Industry Standards and Regulations

In an era marked by relentless technological advancements, the significance of cybersecurity standards, regulations and guidelines has emerged as a critical dimension for companies engaged in the manufacturing of electronic devices. In this dynamic landscape, semiconductor manufacturers are compelled to navigate a complex web of standards and compliance requirements to ensure hardware security... » read more

Security Focus Widens To HW, SW, Ecosystems

Hardware security strategies are pushing much further left in the chip design flow as the number of vulnerabilities in complex designs and connected devices continues to grow, taking into account potential vulnerabilities in both hardware and software, as well as the integrity of an extended global supply chain. These approaches leverage the speed of fixing problems in software, and the effe... » read more

The Uncertainty Of Certifying AI For Automotive

Nearly every new vehicle sold uses AI to make some decisions, but so far there is no consistency in what is being developed, where it is being used, and whether it is compatible with other vehicles on the road. This fragmentation is partially due to the fact that AI is still a nascent technology, and cars and trucks sold today may be significantly different than those that will be sold sever... » read more

Securing The World’s Data: A Looming Challenge

A combination of increasingly complex designs, more connected devices, and a mix of different generations of security technology are creating a whole new set of concerns about the safety of data nearly everywhere. While security experts have been warning of a growing threat in electronics for decades, there have been several recent fundamental changes that elevate the risk. Among them: ... » read more

SRAM Security Concerns Grow

SRAM security concerns are intensifying as a combination of new and existing techniques allow hackers to tap into data for longer periods of time after a device is powered down. This is particularly alarming as the leading edge of design shifts from planar SoCs to heterogeneous systems in package, such as those used in AI or edge processing, where chiplets frequently have their own memory hi... » read more

Using AI/ML To Combat Cyberattacks

Machine learning is being used by hackers to find weaknesses in chips and systems, but it also is starting to be used to prevent breaches by pinpointing hardware and software design flaws. To make this work, machine learning (ML) must be trained to identify vulnerabilities, both in hardware and software. With proper training, ML can detect cyber threats and prevent them from accessing critic... » read more

Data Center Security Issues Widen

The total amount of data will swell to about 200 zettabytes of data next year, much of it stored in massive data centers scattered across the globe that are increasingly vulnerable to attacks of all sorts. The stakes for securing data have been rising steadily as the value of that data increases, making it far more attractive to hackers. This is evident in the scope of the attack targets —... » read more

Why Semiconductor Security Is More Important Than Ever in 2024

When I think about the state of semiconductor security today compared to when I joined Cycuity in 2020, I can safely say that chip security conversations are now taking place with greater frequency and urgency. Over the past year, I observed three trends that I expect will continue and accelerate in 2024: Continued occurrence of new and increasingly sophisticated cyber incidents Emergen... » read more

Chip Industry Week In Review

By Adam Kovac, Gregory Haley, and Liz Allan. The U.S. government released a 61-page report, titled "National Strategy on Microelectronics Research,” by the Subcommittee On Microelectronics Leadership. It provides a framework for government, industry, academia, and international allies to address four major goals. Synopsys  acquired Intrinsic ID, which develops physical unclonable func... » read more

Securing DRAM Against Evolving Rowhammer Threats

Advanced process nodes and higher silicon densities are heightening DRAM's susceptibility to Rowhammer attacks, as reduced cell spacing significantly decreases the hammer count needed for bit flips. Rowhammer exploits DRAM’s single-capacitor-per-bit design to trigger bit flips in adjacent cells through repeated memory row accesses. This vulnerability allows attackers to manipulate data, re... » read more

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