The Ansys Charge Plus PiC Solve

All surfaces are exposed to radiation, whether aircraft fuselages, satellite skins, or solar panels, are subjected to ionization effects through the accumulation of charged plasmas. Such plasmas present critical hazards to these platforms as their sudden nonlinear discharges can damage or destroy surfaces and underlying electronic components. Through the Particle-in-Cell solver, Ansys Charge Pl... » read more

ESD Requirements Are Changing

Standards for specifying a chip’s ability to withstand electrostatic discharge (ESD) are changing – in some cases, getting tougher, and in others, easing up. ESD protection has been on a path from a one-size-fits-all approach to one where a signal’s usage helps to determine what kind of protection it should get. Protecting chips from ESD damage has been a longstanding part of IC design... » read more