IC Equipment Communication Standards Struggle As Data Volumes Grow

The tsunami of data produced during wafer fabrication cannot be effectively leveraged without standards. They determine how data is accessed from equipment, which users need data access and when, and how fast it can be delivered. On top of that, best practices in data governance and data quality are needed to effectively interpret collected data and transfer results. When fab automation and ... » read more

Role For ICs Expands In Humanoid Robots

Semiconductors play a crucial role in the development and functionality of humanoid robots. Humanoid robots are advanced machines designed to resemble and perform tasks similar to humans. The integration of semiconductors in humanoid robots contributes to their sensory perception, processing capabilities, and overall functionality. Robots are used in everything from security and defense, to ... » read more

Kria KR260 Robotics Starter Kit: Unleashing Roboticists Through Hardware Acceleration

The Kria™ KR260 Robotics Starter Kit is a Kria SOM-based development platform for robotics and factory automation applications. It enables roboticists and industrial developers without FPGA expertise to develop hardware accelerated applications for robotics, machine vision, industrial communications and control. Developers benefit with greater flexibility from native ROS 2 (Humble Hawksb... » read more