Big Future In A Small Space: Wireless SoCs Enable Wearable Medical And Wellness Devices To Realize Their Potential

By David Renno, David Armour, Melissa Hu, and Sezgi Koukourakis The technology of personal medical monitoring is changing incredibly fast. As little as ten years ago, the normal way that a patient would keep track of general health indicators, such as heart rate and blood pressure, or specific indicators such as blood glucose, was through an invasive medical procedure such as a blood test. S... » read more

Imperceptible, Lightweight Sensors Directly Printed on Biological Surfaces

A new technical paper titled "Imperceptible augmentation of living systems with organic bioelectronic fibres" was published by researchers at University of Cambridge and University of Macau. Abstract "The functional and sensory augmentation of living structures, such as human skin and plant epidermis, with electronics can be used to create platforms for health management and environmental m... » read more

Research Bits: Dec. 20

Patch tracks blood in deep tissue A skin-worn photoacoustic patch developed by a research team at the University of California San Diego is equipped with arrays of laser diodes and piezoelectric transducers to detect biomolecules in deep tissues, which usually would require a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-ray-computed tomography. The patch may help doctors tract hemoglobin in real tim... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Oct. 1

Nighttime power Researchers at UCLA and Stanford University created a low-cost device that harnesses radiative cooling to provide a small amount of renewable energy at night. While the device only provides a small amount of power, it could be useful for areas without reliable electricity or access to batteries. Radiative cooling happens when a surface that faces the sky emits heat as therma... » read more

System Bits: Sept. 26

Spectroscopic science camera While the latest versions of most smartphones contain at least two and sometimes three built-in cameras, researchers at the University of Illinois would like to convince mobile device manufactures to add yet another image sensor as a built-in capability for health diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and general-purpose color sensing applications.   This comes... » read more

System Bits: Jan. 17

Turning quantum systems from novelties into useful technologies In what is believed to be a major achievement that could help bring the strange and powerful world of quantum technology closer to reality, University of Sydney researchers have demonstrated the ability to “see” the future of quantum systems, and used that knowledge to preempt their demise. The applications of quantum-enabl... » read more