Scheduling Multi-Model AI Workloads On Heterogeneous MCM Accelerators (UC Irvine)

A technical paper titled “SCAR: Scheduling Multi-Model AI Workloads on Heterogeneous Multi-Chiplet Module Accelerators” was published by researchers at University of California Irvine. Abstract: "Emerging multi-model workloads with heavy models like recent large language models significantly increased the compute and memory demands on hardware. To address such increasing demands, designin... » read more

TAP-2.5D: A Thermally-Aware Chiplet Placement Methodology for 2.5D Systems

Abstract "Heterogeneous systems are commonly used today to sustain the historic benefits we have achieved through technology scaling. 2.5D integration technology provides a cost-effective solution for designing heterogeneous systems. The traditional physical design of a 2.5D heterogeneous system closely packs the chiplets to minimize wirelength, but this leads to a thermally-inefficient design... » read more