A HIL Methodology For The SoC Development Flow

A technical paper titled “Virtual-Peripheral-in-the-Loop : A Hardware-in-the-Loop Strategy to Bridge the VP/RTL Design-Gap” was published by researchers at University of Bremen and German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). Abstract: "Virtual Prototypes act as an executable specification model, offering a unified behavior reference model for SW and HW engineers. However, b... » read more

Building Better Cars Faster

Carmakers are accelerating their chip and electronic design schedules to remain competitive in an increasingly fast-changing market, but they are encountering gaps in the tooling, the supply chain, and in the methodologies they use to create those cars. While it's easy to envision how CAD software could be used to create the next new vehicle’s 3-D look, and how simulation software helps de... » read more

Overview of Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) Simulations

This technical paper titled "Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations: A Historical Overview of Engineering Challenges" was published by researchers at University of Maribor, Slovenia. Abstract: "The design of modern industrial products is further improved through the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation. Realistic simulation is enabled by the closed loop between the hardware under test (HUT) and ... » read more

Hardware-in-the-Loop-Based Real-Time Fault Injection Framework for Dynamic Behavior Analysis of Automotive Software Systems

New academic paper from Institute for Software and Systems Engineering, Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany. Abstract "A well-known challenge in the development of safety-critical systems in vehicles today is that reliability and safety assessment should be rigorously addressed and monitored. As a matter of fact, most safety problems caused by system failures can lead to serious ha... » read more

Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation, Testing

Embedded electronics are showing up nearly everywhere these days, in cars, smart appliances, medical devices—even fighter jets. Making sure those real-time embedded systems will work correctly is the aim of hardware-in-the-loop simulation and testing, which puts the systems through their paces in a virtual environment. In effect, HIL simulation adds a mathematical representation of all fun... » read more