The Importance Of Power Conversion Technologies In The Production Of Green Hydrogen

Global demand for green hydrogen is high and rising fast. Some studies predict that the electrical power demand to produce green hydrogen will be 4500 GW by 2050, compared to today’s (2023) electrical power demand of around 25 GW. This exponential growth will be fueled by green hydrogen which will reduce the carbon footprint of existing industries that use hydrogen as a feedstock, and by the ... » read more

Using Palladium To Address Contact Issues Of Buried Oxide Thin Film Transistors

A new technical paper titled "Approach to Low Contact Resistance Formation on Buried Interface in Oxide Thin-Film Transistors: Utilization of Palladium-Mediated Hydrogen Pathway" was published by researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology and National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS). Abstract "Amorphous oxide semiconductors (AOSs) with low off-currents and processing temperatures... » read more

Imagining A Hydrogen-Powered Future Thanks To Simulation

Our world leaders have set ambitious goals for global decarbonization by 2050, with good reason. While the planet continues to heat up, global energy consumption is still rising, and most of this energy consumption is currently derived from fossil fuels. This bitter truth has inspired a wave of decarbonization trends in response — including green hydrogen, which is generated using renewable ... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

North Americas’s first zero-emission hydrogen-powered “Train de Charlevoix” will start running in Canada this summer, with speeds up to 85 mph, only emitting water vapor. Germany rolled out the world’s first passenger train fleet in 2022. The U.S. Department of Energy announced the availability of $750 million for R&D to further clean hydrogen technologies, part of the Biparti... » read more

5 Major Shifts In Automotive

Much of the automotive industry has begun repositioning and retrenching over the past few months, pushing back the projected rollout for fully autonomous vehicles and changing direction on power sources and technology used in the next-generation of electric vehicles. Taken together, these shifts mark a significant departure for traditional automakers, which find themselves playing catch-up t... » read more

Preparing For The Great Auto War

The internal combustion engine's days are numbered, and what comes next is going to cause one of the biggest upheavals in the history of business. Before semiconductors and electronics, it was the auto industry that defined economies of scale. In fact, the auto industry became the model on which the entire electronics industry was built. It always was assumed that the mainframe, minicomputer... » read more

System Bits: May 21

Washable, wearable energy devices for clothing Researchers at the University of Cambridge collaborated with colleagues at China’s Jiangnan University to develop wearable electronic components that could be woven into fabrics for clothing, suitable for energy conversion, flexible circuits, health-care monitoring, and other applications. Graphene and other materials can be directly incorpor... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Nov. 27

Hybrid solar for hydrogen and electricity Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory developed an artificial photosynthesis solar cell capable of both storing the sun's energy as hydrogen through water splitting and outputting electricity directly. The hybrid photoelectrochemical and voltaic (HPEV) cell gets around a limitation of other water splitting devices that shortchange... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Sept. 20

Energy-harvesting fabric Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Chongqing University in China developed a fabric that can simultaneously harvest energy from both sunshine and motion. The fabric, just .32mm thick, was constructed using a commercial textile machine to weave together solar cells constructed from lightweight polymer fibers with fiber-based triboelectric nanoge... » read more