The Democratization Of System Design…

One of my favorite technology columnists, Andy Kessler, argues in a new Wall Street Journal column that we’re entering a fourth major era of computing: “The original mainframe computer of the 1960s automated back offices and transactions, bringing efficiency and lowering costs. That cycle ended in the early 1990s when the personal computer picked up steam. By the mid-1990s the Web was help... » read more

One-On-One: Mike Muller

Semiconductor Engineering sat down with [getentity id="22186" comment="ARM"] CTO Mike Muller, who first coined the term 'dark silicon,' to talk about what's changing, why the company is focusing so heavily on software and security in addition to power, and how the [getkc id="76" comment="Internet of Things"] will change design and vice versa. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. S... » read more

An Introduction To The ARM mbed IoT Device Platform

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the collection of billions of end devices, from the low-power constrained end nodes to gateways, intelligently connected to cloud applications and services. Interoperability between devices and cloud services across market segments is needed to unleash the full potential of the IoT. The ARM Cortex-M processors family, the world’s leading 32-bit MCU which shi... » read more

The Week In Review: Design

IP ARM introduced a new software platform and a free operating system aimed at IoT development. The OS incorporates security, communication and device management features for improved energy efficiency. The device server simplifies the connection and management of devices, incorporating security and improving efficiency. Cadence rolled out a broad IP portfolio for TSMC's 16nm platform, and ... » read more

Fueling the IoT

As the [getkc id="76" comment="Internet of Things"] evolves, it brings along new paradigms. Some are simply reworked, relabeled, or re-branded ideas, concepts, or technologies. But some are new and novel, and will benefit from this ubiquitous, multi-billion device intelligent, uber-interconnected platform. Some of the things the IoT will drive include semiconductors, big data and crowd sourc... » read more

Securing The IoT

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss whether the [getkc id="76" comment="Internet of Things"] will be secure enough, or whether it will create new security issues, with Sami Nassar, general manager of [getentity id="22499" comment="NXP Semiconductor"]; Oleg Logvinov, director for special assignments at [getentity id="22331" comment="STMicroelectronics"]; and Lawrence Loh, application e... » read more

The JTAG Connection

It is fairly common knowledge that hacking into today’s intelligent Internet devices is child’s play in most cases. The main reason is that the devices have little or no innate security designed in. When they do have some level of security, it is generally provisioned by software running on the host system, to which the devices are connected. But that only works with a device on the grid. O... » read more

OSI’s Model For Security

In just six years, according to Cisco Systems, there will be 50 billion devices interconnected within the IoT universe. IDC puts that number at a whopping 212 billion. Either way, it really doesn't matter. The fact is that the vast majority will be talking to each other, autonomously, and though the cloud – a nightmare management scenario, no matter how one spins it. The implications of th... » read more

The Missing Link

What continues to fascinate me about the IoT opportunity is the explosion of creative ideas that are being imagined and developed to enable the next big thing. When I imagine the kind of connectivity and control that will need to happen between the Internet and ‘smart’ devices, these things obviously must be very inexpensive, super small, with the ability to harvest their own energy. ... » read more

How To Cut Verification Costs For IoT

Cost is one of the main factors limiting proliferation of the [getkc id="76" comment="Internet of Things"] (IoT), and when looking at the design and [getkc id="10" kc_name="Verification"] methodologies in place today, verification is a prime candidate for closer inspection. For today’s complex [getkc id="81" kc_name="SoCs"], the cost of verification has been rising faster than design and it h... » read more

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