Executive Insight: Paul Kocher

Paul Kocher, president and chief scientist of Rambus' Cryptography Research Division, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about the state of security today and how it will be affected as more devices are connected. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: The number of vulnerabilities is increasing. Are we making progress? Kocher: If your metric for progress is the... » read more

Predictions For 2016: Tools and Flows

Seventeen companies sent in their predictions for this year with some of them sending predictions from several people. This is in addition to the CEO predictions that were recently published. That is a fine crop of views for the coming year, especially since they know that they will be held accountable for their views and this year, just like the last, they will have to answer for them. We beli... » read more

Reliability Adds Risk Over Time

Being able to connect devices to other devices has a long list of benefits, many of them related to the digitization of the analog or physical world. That includes all the benefits of being able to quantify, process and analyze information to to relay it in real time all over the globe. This is what's at the heart of the Internet of Things/Internet of Everything revolution. It's also at leas... » read more

Chasing After Phantom Power

A lot of effort is being invested in power reduction techniques for mobile devices, where battery life is an important buying decision and power can translate into heat that can make a device uncomfortable to use. But are people willing to pay more for a device that consumes less power if it's plugged into a wall? And even if they are concerned about the power drawn during operation, what ab... » read more

Reflections On 2015

It is easy to make predictions, but few people can make them with any degree of accuracy. Most of the time, those predictions are forgotten by the end of the year and there is no one to do a tally of who holds more credibility for next year. Not so with Semiconductor Engineering. We like to hold people's feet to the fire, but while the "Pants-On-Fire" meter may be applicable to politicians, we ... » read more

The Challenge Of Fitting In

Connections between players in the semiconductor industry are becoming critical for survival. Whether the focus is a connected car, home automation, health care or the energy grid, each company in each of those markets relies on others to build useful products. There are several forces at work here. One is an emphasis on connecting everything, regardless of whether it is inside a single vert... » read more

Overcoming The Design Bottleneck

SoCs control most advanced electronics these days and functionality, quality, power and security are a combination of both hardware and software. All throughout the development of today's complex systems, the memory hierarchy has remained the same—preserving the notion of a continuous computing paradigm. Today, that decision is leading to performance and power issues. There are several rea... » read more

What Markets And Winners Will IoT Produce?

IoT is trending. However, a consistent definition of IoT can be tough to find in the deluge of marketing, which often overlooks the fact that Internet-connected devices have been around for decades. Many established tech companies have developed and deployed a wide variety of products, both building out the IoT and beginning to define it. Intel in particular has published a slew of excellent vi... » read more

Technology Reboot Required

The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) has produced reports outlining the major obstacles the electronics industry faces for a long time now. It attempts to project, with a 15-year horizon, the problems that need to be solved in order to take advantage of the complete design and manufacturing ecosystem. From this, early research efforts can be started. This enabled the E... » read more

Much Ado About Weakening Currency, China, And IoT

At the 10th annual SEMI/Gartner Market Symposium, keynoted by ARM’s Ian Ferguson, market analysts gathered to present their views on the current state of the industry. Several key themes emerged including weakening currency impact on the industry’s forecasts, China’s $20 billion Industry Fund, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Industry overview and trends were presented by Bob Johnson,... » read more

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