Research Bits: Feb. 18

Predicting band gap with neural networks Researchers from Kyoto University developed a machine learning model to predict the band gap of novel semiconductor materials. Using data from almost 2,000 semiconductor materials, the team tested six different neural networks. They found that the incorporation of conditional generative adversarial networks (CGAN) and message passing neural networks ... » read more

Research Bits: Feb. 14

Defining Kagome superconductors An international team of scientists and researchers from the Brown University lab are now able to describe the structure of the superconductor Kagome metals. The team used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging and a quantum modeling theory to describe the microscopic structure as the metal changed states into a charge density wave (CDW) state at 103°Kelvin (... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Aug. 3

World’s thinnest magnet Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the University of California at Berkeley and others have developed what researchers say is the world’s thinnest magnet. The one-atom-thin, two-dimensional (2D) magnet could one day pave the way towards new spin electronics or spintronics memory devices and other technologies in the market. Spintronics uses the orientation of... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Oct. 20

Thermometers for 3D measurements The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is developing a nano-thermometer technology that could one day take 3D temperature measurements at the microscopic scale. The project, called Thermal Magnetic Imaging and Control (Thermal MagIC), hopes to develop tiny thermometers based on magnetic nanoparticles. These tiny thermometers could be injec... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Dec. 18

Gallium oxide breakthroughs Crystalline beta gallium oxide is a promising wide bandgap semiconductor material. It has a large bandgap of 4.8–4.9 eV with a high breakdown field of 8 MV/cm. The technology has a high voltage figure of merit, which is more than 3,000 times greater than silicon, more than 8 times greater than silicon carbide (SiC) and more than 4 times greater than that of... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Aug. 21

World’s smallest transistor The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) has developed what researchers say is the world’s smallest transistor. Researchers have devised a single-atom transistor. The transistor switches an electrical current via a single atom, which resides in a gel electrolyte. The device also works at room temperature. While others have developed single-atom transist... » read more

System Bits: June 5

The right squeeze for quantum computing In an effort to bring quantum computers closer to development, Hokkaido University and Kyoto University researchers have developed a theoretical approach to quantum computing that is 10 billion times more tolerant to errors than current theoretical models. The team said their method may lead to quantum computers that use the diverse properties of sub... » read more

System Bits: March 27

New quantum electronic material has atomic structure resembling a Japanese basketweaving pattern According to MIT, Harvard University, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researchers, a motif of Japanese basketweaving known as the kagome pattern has preoccupied physicists for decades. They reminded that kagome baskets are typically made from strips of bamboo woven into a highly symmetric... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: June 9

Making rare earths Rare earths are chemical elements found in the Earth’s crust. They are used in cars, consumer electronics, computers, communications, clean energy and defense systems. The big market for rare earths is magnets. In semiconductor production, rare earths are used in high-k dielectrics, CMP slurries and other applications. China has a monopoly in rare earths, accounting for... » read more

All Aboard The Silicon Carbide Train…Literally

There were numerous announcements regarding power semiconductors at Techno-Frontier 2014, which was held last month in Tokyo. This year, one of the big stories was power semiconductors—for power and batteries, motors, and thermal designs—and the debate around cost is becoming much more frequent for silicon carbide. One feature article last month on the Kyoto economy in Nihon Keizai Shimb... » read more