Week in Review: IoT, Security, Auto

Internet of Things Cattle ranchers in Australia are using solar-powered ear tags to keep track of their herds, connecting through LoRa technology to locate their bulls, cows, heifers, and steers. SODAQ of the Netherlands and Lacuna Space of the U.K. are providing the Internet of Things technology and satellite-based LoRa connectivity to make this possible. “The main differentiator for LoRa o... » read more

Week in Review: IoT, Security, Auto

Internet of Things Forrester Research released its 2019 Internet of Things predictions. Some key points: Bundled service offerings will catalyze a sleepy consumer IoT market; cybercriminals will lay siege to a smart-city implementation; and a market for IoT managed services will emerge in 2019. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming up. Those days present some opportunities to purchase ... » read more

CEO Outlook On Chip Industry (Part 1)

Semiconductor Engineering sat down with Wally Rhines, president and CEO of Mentor, a Siemens Business; Simon Segars, CEO of Arm; Grant Pierce, CEO of Sonics; and Dean Drako, CEO of IC Manage. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. L-R: Dean Drako, Grant Pierce, Wally Rhines, Simon Segars. Photo: Paul Cohen/ESD Alliance SE: What are the big changes ahead, and where do you see th... » read more

The Week in Review: IoT

Regulation The Consumer Product Safety Commission is accepting public comments on “potential safety issues and hazards associated with Internet-connected consumer products.” The agency is concerned about “unexpected operating conditions” with Internet of Things devices, along with hacking that could start fires through a stovetop or grill, and the potential compromising of home safety ... » read more

The Week in Review: IoT

Equities Zacks Equity Research has a “strong buy” recommendation for shares of Marvell Technology Group, noting the chip company’s improving financial results this year and its competitive position in supplying controllers for solid-state drives. “Furthermore, we believe the elevated demand for Marvell’s 4G LTE products could be a key growth driver. This will be supported by growth f... » read more

The Week In Review: IoT

Tools SAP brought out an Internet of Things tool called the Leonardo IoT Bridge, meant to connect sensor data from the field with business data systems inside enterprises. Leonardo IoT Bridge makes use of the SAP Leonardo cloud-based service. The German software company said it would partner with the Bosch Group to provide an IoT Bridge dashboard for delivery companies, keeping tabs on deliver... » read more

Wireless Test: Too Many Protocols

Testing wireless communications is getting far more difficult as more markets begin adding wireless communications and standards groups push to improve the speed, power and security of existing protocols. There is already a long list of protocols, and it's growing further as new communications technologies are added into the mix. With the addition of 5G, the new 802.11ax standard, and other ... » read more

EEMBC Offers Benchmark for Bluetooth LE in IoT

The Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium is introducing the IoTMark-BLE benchmark, for certifying the performance of devices using the Bluetooth Low Energy wireless protocol for Internet of Things applications. It is the first in the group’s IoT-Connect benchmark series. EEMBC also is preparing the ULPBench 2.0 standard, which will test the ultra-low-power capabilities of connected... » read more

The Case For Narrowband-IoT

Cellular network-based Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) is marching closer to reality as players across the ecosystem put forth silicon IP, software protocol stacks, carrier network software upgrades and more. The kicker came last year when the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), the global cellular industry standards body, finalized a NB-IoT standard in its 'release 13.' With that, device mak... » read more

Waiting For 5G Technology

For some time, carriers, equipment OEMs and chipmakers have been gearing up for the next-generation wireless standard called 5th generation mobile networks, or 5G. 5G is the follow-on to the current wireless standard known as 4G, or long-term evolution (LTE). It will enable data transmission rates of more than 10Gbps, or 100 times the throughput of LTE. But the big question is whether 5G wil... » read more

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