Mask Modeling In The EUV Era

D2S reviews the challenges of mask modeling in the EUV era, including the need for dose/shape separation and mid-range correction, and the impact of GPU acceleration. » read more

The Rise Of Parallelism

Parallel computing is an idea whose time has finally come, but not for the obvious reasons. Parallelism is a computer science concept that is older Moore's Law. In fact, it first appeared in print in a 1958 IBM research memo, in which John Cocke, a mathematician, and Daniel Slotnick, a computer scientist, discussed parallelism in numerical calculations. That was followed eight years later by... » read more

Conflicting Goals In Data Centers

Two conflicting goals are emerging inside of data centers—speed at any cost, and the ability to extend hardware well beyond its expected lifetime to amortize that cost. Layered across both of those are concerns about how to move data back and forth more efficiently, how to secure it, and how to best integrate different generations of technology. But these widely different goals have create... » read more